Thursday, 18 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Peoples’Concerns vs Preoccupations of the Ruling Class: Towards a viable political strategy

                           Peoples’Concerns  vs Preoccupations of the Ruling Class:
                                                Towards a viable political strategy

·          What are the issues of critical significance for the people and what is the preoccupation of the ruling classes, (which includes not only the ruling party and its allies and adherents but also the main official opposition, its supporters and the whole lot of beneficiaries of the present order, including  large sections of the print and electronic media) ?
·          First the preoccupations of the ruling classes: On  the economic side, deceleration of the rate of growth of GDP and the widening fiscal and current account deficits constitute their main concern. While the ruling party’s embedded economists , seek to  establish that the roots of the trouble lie largely abroad, their critics in the official opposition  point to the “ policy paralysis”, on the one hand, and  all- pervading corruption, on the other. In other words, there is no divergence on policy goals. The critics merely say that they would create greater investor confidence and accelerate the process of “reforms”.
·          Both are blissfully blind to the fact that two decades of “economic reforms” have brought us to this pass!  Let us take some parameters for comparison. The current account deficit( i.e. what the country’s economy owes to the rest of the world  in a given year on  current transaction basis) has now reached an unprecedented level of 6 percent of GDP. In 1991-92 when the balance of payment “crisis” was used as the lever to justify the U turn in India’s economic policies, the magnitude of the current account deficit was almost half, that is, 3 percent .At that time, the inflation was in the region of 10 to 12  percent as measured in terms of consumer price index. And the rupee had to be devalued by twenty percent . Now the consumer price inflation has been ranging close to 10 percent for the last three years and no respite is in sight.  And the rupee has been tumbling down rapidly, reaching the lowest ever value in terms of US dollar.  At that time the wholesale change of policies was justified to remedy the situation.  Now the remedy has proved worse than the disease!  Yet the mantra of “reforms” continues to enthrall the ruling classes.
·          “Reforms”, in a nutshell, call for drastic reduction in public expenditure;  aligning the domestic prices of imported essentials like fuel with the global prices ( both of which affect the masses very adversely); opening up the economy further and further to the global finance capital; ensuring that losses are borne by the state( i.e. the people )and profits are guaranteed to the capital through the so-called “ Public Private Partnership”; and , above all, legitimizing,  facilitating and encouraging the loot of natural resources (  land, water, forests, minerals, spectrum) by the private capital, mainly the speculative capital. All this in the name of releasing “ animal spirits” of  the  business class. It does not need any profound knowledge of economics to see that these policies will only aggravate rapacity, plunder and venality .
·          While the ruling party continues to defend the indefensible policy of reforms and all it spawns, the opposition merely seizes the symptoms of corruption and adopts a “holier- than- thou” stance, despite skeletons tumbling out of its own cupboard ! Both are unanimous on the goal; their only difference is about who wields the power to push the process further and appropriates the resultant booty .
·          On the political side, there is complete unanimity between the two when it comes to the question of dealing with an iron hand what is described as “ the terrorist threat” to national security. Both have promoted and legislated draconian laws to deal with the situation. Both compete in the ultra- nationalist sloganeering. In giving a free hand to big capital in resource- rich tribal areas and in crushing all tribal discontent and resistance with a heavy hand, there is no disagreement among them.  When it comes to the terrorist threat  essentially originating from the Islamophobic policies of the US-Israel combine, both are equally shy of going to the root of the problem lest that may annoy the bosses in Washington.  The only difference is that while the ruling party professes its pragmatic secularism , the opposition  has no qualms in using the conjuncture to push its divisive communalism in an aggressive fashion. But in actuality, governments of the states ruled by either of the two adopt the same chauvinistic, anti-democratic, oppressive policies and practices.
·          On the side of  the international relations,  both have clearly accepted the lode- star direction of the US strategic and economic interests. Some differences arise in the immediate neighbour-hood, mainly out of  their different domestic political histories and trajectories. 
·          The most tragic consequence of this bi-partisan near- unanimity is the growing alienation of Kashmir. Which also casts a deep shadow on the very integrity of our polity. The other dangerous consequence is the growing jingoism vis-vis two most important neighbours viz;  Pakistan and China.


·          Growth in GDP is a necessary but not sufficient condition for people-centric development.  What is the main concern of   people- centric development? Where sixty to seventy percent of the workforce depends on the agrarian economy; where two-thirds of the population lives in the rural hinterland; where ownership of land is extremely skewed, with 8 percent of holders owning 56percent of land and 92 percent holding the remaining 44 percent of land ; where 92 percent of peasantry is small or marginal ,i.e. with landholdings less than two and one hectares respectively; where  two-thirds of  cultivable land is rain- fed with no assured source of water; where access to water, better implements, and other inputs is largely determined by the scale of operation; where farming is a loss making proposition for the overwhelming majority of peasantry; where even the better-off section of farmers is caught in  the double jeopardy of increasing input costs and un-remunerative/ volatile output prices and driven to despair and suicide; and where adequate avenues of alternative off- farm employment are not in sight: obviously the agrarian question is the most important concern  of people. And that finds no place in the preoccupations of the ruling classes.
·          The  Twelfth Plan document wishes away the question. With its obsession with raising the rate of growth , reducing twin deficits, generating “investor confidence”, attracting flows of  global capital and  the goal of acquiring global competitiveness, the Question of Land seems alien to its thinking. The land is treated as just one input, one resource at the disposal of capital and market.  The rapid shrinking of arable land and its serious long term consequences are overlooked. The undeclared but easily decipherable path that underlies the thinking is the adoption of contract/corporate farming as the eventual solution. Inevitable decimation of peasantry that this would bring about is not on the radar of the Planning Commission.
·          Only palliatives are proposed in the name of new act on land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation.  Higher monetary compensation in line with the prevailing market rate for the land acquired; token provision  of jobs/compensation/ shares in the enterprise eventually set up  for those displaced/affected; eventual access to a fraction of the developed land;, an attempt to eschew multi-cropped land; and mandatory provisions for resettlement and rehabilitation are contemplated. The approach is essentially defined by the dynamics of market. Its main objective is to legitimize the process of loot of land by speculative capital.  Besides, this approach misses the woods for the trees. The problem of Land Acquisition is only a subset of the larger Question of Land. No piecemeal approach will do.
·          What is needed is  a National Land Use Policy which is people-centric, scientific, environment friendly, livelihood enhancing. Enough data and analyses are already available which should make it possible to delineate such a policy for different agro-climatic zones in the country. We need to set up a high level Commission  whose task will be to lay down such  policy norms. The whole question of land acquisition will fall in its place, once such norms are set and appropriate policies are adopted on land use.
·          One pre-condition for the success of such an approach is that there must be an immediate moratorium on transfer of agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes either through the mechanism of land acquisition law or through the  market process.
·          Simultaneously equitable redistribution of land  must be brought back on the political agenda, particularly in regions where  large scale absentee landlordism prevails under one pretext or the other and where huge land holdings are owned by the corporates for plantation or similar purposes.
·          But redistribution though necessary is not enough.  It is essential to find an institutional solution to the problem of fragmentation of landholdings which was always there but which has now acquired a crisis proportion.  Pooling of land is the only lasting solution. A massive mobilization in favour of cooperative farming is necessary.
·          Simultaneously, creation of suitable avenues for absorption of  surplus labour released as a result of pooling of land will have to be organized. Such avenues can be created through co-operativising  both the procurement of inputs and processing of output. Clearly, this would require a  fundamental redirection of the present mode of industrialisation which is geared to global competitiveness. Instead the new mode will be yoked to productive use of released surplus labour. It will be part of a wider vision of social solidarity.
·           Closely related is the question of water, forest and mineral resources. Present policies have resulted in large scale displacement of people dependent for their livelihood on forests, mineral bearing lands and rivers, ponds and coastal waters. The policies unabashedly promote such displacement, on the one hand, and, on the other, encourage loot of such natural resources which belong to people. The market is allowed to determine the dynamics. Simultaneous initiatives will have to be taken in these areas to restore peoples’ sovereignty over these resources and promote policies which will enhance livelihood creation, conserve environment and promote social solidarity.
·           Galloping inflation and burgeoning unemployment are inevitable consequences of the policy of “reforms” set in motion two decades ago. They have made the life of working people increasingly intolerable. The ruling classes have been the greatest beneficiaries of the dispensation of “reforms”. Their only worry is that the bubble of unprecedented prosperity that they have enjoyed so far is somehow made to survive.  To that end, they would not mind sacrificing all policy space and tying the economic destiny of the country to the goals and requirements of the global capital. They are not only blind to the misery of the masses; they are also blind to the burgeoning crisis that is engulfing the core of global capital.
·          What is needed is a complete break with the policies of “reforms” and adoption of a new path of people-centric development . At the core of such path will be a radical resolution of the question of land and peasantry. Restoration of peoples’ sovereignty over natural resources will be the guiding principle. Enhancement of livelihoods , protection of environment,  assurance of a decent living standard and a life with dignity for all will constitute  immediate imperatives. 


·          On the political side, there are four main concerns of the people.  They revolve around the central concern : The idea of India which inspired the long freedom struggle is under serious threat.
·          The latent or patent communalism practiced by the ruling classes has resulted in a deep sense of insecurity and alienation among the Muslims. The last two decades have witnessed steep deterioration in the communal situation. Political opportunism practised by the mainstream political parties is certainly responsible.  However, there is other, more  fundamental reason. US-Israel combine has conveniently created and sustained the bogey of Islamic terrorism on a global scale to mask its imperialist designs on the oil-rich West Asia. It is also an economic and strategic necessity of the US ‘military-industrial complex’ to promote the concept and practice of a global war on terrorism, as it comes handy to interfere with the regimes in the third world and provides a strong stimulus to the US economy, particularly after the end of the cold war era. The Islamophobia systematically generated by US-Israel combine has its willing takers in the retrograde Hindutva politics. The revival of majoritarian communalism poses a serious challenge to the integrity of polity. This  challenge has to be met frontally and unambiguously. First and foremost this requires that we as a country disengage ourselves from the  strategic objective of US-Israel combine.
·          Adivasis too are getting alienated fast. It is true that they have  borne disproportionate burden of the development process ever since independence. However, in the era of economic reforms, they are being dispossessed of their livelihood, their habitat and their very life on a scale which has had no parallel before. Consequently, there has been a strong reaction. In some places their discontent has taken the form of challenging the Indian State. This has provided an excuse to the ruling class to treat the discontent as “threat to national security” and use its armed might to eliminate the challenge.  Neither the armed challenge to the Indian State  nor the armed might of the ruling class constitute the  answer to the deep alienation of the Adivasis. What is needed is a decisive break from the present path of growth pursued by the ruling classes which has posed a threat to the survival of Adivasis with dignity in their traditional habitat.
·          Dalits continue to suffer atrocities, discrimination, insecurity and denial of access to life of dignity, despite the Constitutional dispensation and various enabling laws and measures. The most backward sections of other backward classes too suffer exclusion and deprivation. It is necessary to carve out a sub-regime of reservations for most backward classes. The policies of reforms, however, are increasingly making measures such as reservations in public sector jobs less and less meaningful.  Even so, the upwardly mobile sections spawned by the reforms are clamouring for ending reservations in government jobs as well as in educational institutions.  Recent court pronouncements are virtually nullifying progressive measures such as reservations in promotions. The social contract envisaged in the Constitution is  coming under stress.  A decisive break from the policy of reforms and a move towards a new paradigm of people-centric development based on social solidarity will provide a conducive environment to relieve this stress. But it must be recognized that no struggle for transformation of our society and polity will be meaningful unless it adopts the annihilation of caste and caste injustice as a goal in itself. 
·          The situations of deep alienation and  seething discontent have been exploited by the ruling classes to strengthen their armoury of black laws and anti-democratic measures to intimidate and suppress all democratic dissent which is an inevitable consequence of the economic, political and diplomatic policies pursued by the ruling classes. The space for democratic dissent is being circumscribed and narrowed. Police apparatus is being used to suppress the rising  political challenge to the  establishment. The people are being  denied the only means of protest that they have against the injustices of the prevailing economic, political and social order.
·          The current political scene is marked by loss of credibility on the part of the ruling combine of political parties as well as the opposition. The regional political outfits are trying to exploit the situation to their advantage. Barring the parties of the Left, whose parliamentary strength has been reduced considerably, none of the regional parties have any alternative political vision. Therefore, even if they benefit because of the weakening of the main political combines and thus succeed in  acquiring greater share of power after the upcoming General Elections, little can be expected from them . On the other hand, unstable and opportunist combinations may only strengthen the prospect of the main combines after disillusionment with such experiment. That would only give a further lease of life to the ruling classes. However, with the rising discontent among the popular classes, such dispensation can not last long.  In the circumstances, there is a clear possibility that the ruling classes adopt more and more anti-democratic measures in the name of maintaining “law and order” and “stability” and prolong their hold on power.  The other possibility is that  the discontent of the popular classes is organized politically on the basis of a clear alternative vision and programme rooted in peoples’concerns, through  a radical, inclusive and broad democratic political formation. Indeed, this is the only ultimately viable political strategy .
·          It is time that all parties, movements, groups and individuals who are in broad agreement with the forgoing analysis and are willing to adopt the political strategy get together to create such a political platform.

                                                                                                                                                   ----- S.P.SHUKLA


जातिवादी राजनीति की धुरंधर हैं सपा और बसपा

दिनांक : 15 जुलाई 2013
प्रैस रिलीज
जातिवादी राजनीति की धुरंधर हैं सपा और बसपा

मोदी की समर्थक हैं मायावती

राजनीतिक पार्टियों द्वारा जातिसम्मेलनों पर रोक लगाने संबंधी इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट की लखनऊ पीठ के फैसले से सत्ताऱु समाजवादी पार्टी और मुख्य विपक्षी बहुजन समाज पार्टी एकदूसरे पर बौखलाने का आरोप लगा रही हैं। जबकि फैसले से दोनों ही बौखलाई हुई हैं। यह सच्चाई सबके सामने है कि ये दोनों पार्टियां उत्तर प्रदेश में जमकर जातिवाद की राजनीति करती हैं। लेकिन दोनों पार्टियों ने अदालत के फैसले पर पैंतरा लिया है कि वे जातिवादी राजनीति नहीं करतीं। दोनों पार्टियों के नेता कह रहे हैं कि जातिसम्मेलन आयोजित करने के पीछे उनका उद्देश्य सामाजिक न्याय और सामाजिक भाईचारा ब़ाना है। यह अलग बात है कि दोनों केवल अपने को सामाजिक न्यायवादी बताते हैं और दूसरे को जातिवादी करार देते हैं।
बसपा नेता मायावती ने फैसले के बाद एलान किया है कि अब वे अपनी पार्टी के आयोजन को सीधे जाति विशोष का सम्मेलन न कह कर सर्वसमाज सम्मेलन कहेंगी। उनका कहना है कि ऐसे सम्मेलनों से वे सदियों से चली आ रही जातिगत विषमता को दूर करके समता की स्थापना का काम कर रही हैं जो संविधान का भी लक्ष्य है। लेकिन मायावती यह नहीं बतातीं कि बिना पूंजीवादी आर्थिक-राजनीतिक संरचना को बदले समता का संवैधानिक उद्देश्य कैसे पाया जा सकता है?
सपा के प्रवक्ता राजेंद्र चौधरी अखिलेश यादव सरकार को विकास की गंगा बहाने वाली और मुलायम सिंह यादव को समाजवाद का साक्षात अवतार बताते नहीं थकते। लेकिन उनके वक्तव्यों से उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार का जातिवादी-परिवारवादी और कारपोरेटपरस्त चरित्र नहीं छिप सकता। उत्तर प्रदेश में सामाजिक न्याय, समाजवाद, संविधान की हवाई बातें करने वाली ये दोनों पार्टियां केंद्र में देश पर कारपोरेट पूंजीवादी व्यवस्था थोपने वाली कांग्रेस नीत यूपीए सरकार की समर्थक हैं।
डॉ. लोहिया और डॉ. अंबेडकर ने सामंतयुगीन जातिवाद के विनाश की प्रेरणा दी थी और इस दिशा में लगातार प्रयास किया था। सपा और बसपा जातिवाद को पूंजीवादी व्यवस्था में मजबूती से जमाने का काम कर रही हैं। बाकी मुख्यधारा राजनीतिक पार्टियों का भी कमोबेस वही रवैया है। सोशलिस्ट पार्टी मांग करती है कि इलाहाबाद कोर्ट के फैसले की रोशनी में राजनीतिक पार्टियों के जातिसम्मेलनों पर प्रतिबंध लगाने का पुख्ता कानून बनाया जाना चाहिए।
मायावती ने अपने बयान में आरएसएस, विश्व हिंदू परिषद और बजरंग दल पर प्रतिबंध लगाने की मांग भी की है। साथ ही उन्होंने गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की आलोचना की है। सोशलिस्ट पार्टी देश की जनता को एक बार फिर बताना चाहती है कि मायावती तीन बार भाजपा की मदद से मुख्यमंत्री बन चुकी हैं। 2002 के गुजरात दंगों के बाद होने वाले विधानसभा चुनाव में वे अकेली ॔धर्मनिरपेक्षनेता थीं जिन्होंने गुजरात जाकर मोदी के साथ उनके समर्थन में चुनाव प्रचार किया था। हिंदुत्ववादी ताकतों से गठजोड़ करके देश का प्रधानमंत्री बनने का उनका मंसूबा छिपा नहीं है। सोशलिस्ट पार्टी जातिवाद और संप्रदायवाद के खिलाफ राजनीतिक लड़ाई लड़ रही है। पार्टी संविधान में आस्था रखने वाले समस्त नागरिकों से इस संघर्ष में सहयोग की अपील करती है।
डॉ. प्रेम सिंह
प्रवक्ता व महासचिव

कांग्रेस ने खुद माना कि वह भाजपा की बी टीम है

दिनांक: 16 जुलाई 2013
प्रैस रिलीज

कांग्रेस ने खुद माना कि वह भाजपा की बी टीम है

भाजपा के सांप्रदायिक फासीवादी नेता नरेंद्र मोदी के बयान पर यह कह कर कि ‘नंगी सांप्रदायिकता से धर्मनिरपेक्षता का बुर्का बेहतर है’, कांग्रेस ने खुद ही अपने को भाजपा की बी टीम स्वीकार कर लिया है। कांग्रेस का बयान बताता है कि धर्मनिरपेक्षता उसके लिए एक आवरण है। यानी भाजपा खुले तौर पर सांप्रदायिकता करती है और कांग्रेस उस पर धर्मनिरपेक्षता का परदा डाले रखती है। इस स्वीकारोक्ति का सीधा अर्थ है कि कांग्रेस की धर्मनिरपेक्षता के संवैधानिक मूल्य में सच्ची आस्था नहीं है।
नेहरूयुगीन कांग्रेस धर्मनिरपेक्ष राजनीतिक पार्टी थी। लेकिन उनके बाद की कांग्रेस ने सत्ता के लिए कई बार सांप्रदायिक कार्ड खेला है। उसीका नतीजा है कि आज कांग्रेस के नेता खुद कह रहे हैं कि धर्मनिरपेक्षता कांग्रेस के लिए महज आवरण है। वे इस आवरण के चलते कांग्रेस को भाजपा से बेहतर बता रहे हैं।
आरएसएस एक सांप्रदायिक संगठन है और भाजपा उसका राजनीतिक मंच है। भाजपा की विचारधारा और नेता आरएसएस से आते हैं। लिहाजा, सांप्रदायिकता भाजपा की राजनीति का मूल आधार है। नरेंद्र मोदी ने ‘धर्मनिरपेक्षता का बुर्का’ कह कर धर्मनिरपेक्ष संविधान के प्रति गहरी हिकारत व्यक्त की है। साथ ही अल्पसंख्यक मुसलमानों के प्रति भी, क्योंकि बुर्का मुस्लिम महिलाओं का लिबास है।
भाजपा के वरिष्ठ नेता यषवंत सिन्हा ने सलाह दी है कि सांप्रदायिकता और धर्मनिरपेक्षता की बहस चला कर भाजपा कांग्रेस के जाल में न फंसे। लेकिन उल्टे कांग्रेस भाजपा के जाल में फंसी नजर आती है। वह खुद कह रही है कि कांग्रेस पोषीदा तौर पर सांप्रदायिक करती है जो भाजपा की खुली सांप्रदायिकता से बेहतर है।  
धर्मनिरपेक्षता संविधान का एक मूलभूत मूल्य है। देष की प्रत्येक राजनीतिक पार्टी की उसमें संपूर्ण निष्ठा अनिवार्य है। लेकिन देष की दो सबसे बड़ी पार्टियों की निष्ठा धर्मनिरपेक्षता के संवैधानिक मूल्य में नहीं है। यह समाज और भारतीय राष्ट्र के लिए गंभीर समस्या है। सोषलिस्ट पार्टी की देष के नागरिकों, सुप्रीम कोर्ट और निर्वाचन आयोग से अपील है कि वे इस गंभीर समस्या का संज्ञान लेकर राजनीतिक पार्टियों के लिए संविधान के धर्मनिरपेक्ष मूल्य का पालन सुनिष्चित करें।

डाॅ. प्रेम सिंह
महासचिव व प्रवक्ता

Saturday, 13 July 2013

National Executive Committee meeting

Dear Sathi

The next National Executive Committee meeting of the Socialist Party (India) will be held in Delhi.
Venue: Gandhi Peace Foundation, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi - 110002
Date : 11August 2013
Time : 11 am
Agenda :                                           
1.      Confirmation of the minutes of the last National Executive Committee meeting.
2.      State-wise brief reporting about programs, organizational structure and membership drive. State presidents are requested to bring the report in writing including list of members.
3.      Decision about venue and dates for camps (Karyakarta Shivirs) to be organized in all states.
4.      Declaration of prospective constituencies and candidates for the next General Elections. Discussion about preparation and fund raising for the elections.  
5.      Electoral alliance with the Left Front and other political parties opposed to the neo-liberal policies.
6.      Formation of various fronts of the party including forum for civil liberties/human rights. 
7.      Political and economic resolutions.  
8.      Socialist Yuvjan Sabha (SYS) and Socialist Mahila Sabha (SMS) progress report.
9.      Any other matter with permission of the chair.

Please make it convenient to attend the meeting on time. The national office bearers are requested to attend a special meeting to be held on 10 August 2013 at the same venue from 4 pm. Kindly inform your travel plan to Neeraj (9911970162) or Shivdutt (9716967348) in Delhi Office. 
Prem Singh
General Secretary
Mobile : 9873276726

Resolution deliberated upon and adopted at the National Convention of the Socialist Party.

Resolution deliberated upon and adopted at the National Convention of the Socialist Party.

The biennial National Convention of the Socialist Party (India) held at Trivandrum on 17-18 May 2013 in its National Council deliberated upon and adopted the following resolution:

Discard the Western capitalist model and adopt an alternative Indian model of development based on the true spirit of the Constitution.

We the people of India have made a resolve in our Constitution that we will establish a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic, Socialist Republic. Provisions in its chapter 4 enjoin the Indian State to provide adequate means of livelihood to every able-bodied man and woman to prevent the concentration of wealth in a few hands, to develop agriculture, handicrafts and small industries, etc. This should be done through decentralisation i.e. through Panchayats, Municipalities and the District Planning Committees and not through the development authorities of the various states/cities. These development authorities should have been dissolved after the Seventy-third and Seventy-fourth Constitutional Amendment Acts through which Institutions of Local Self Governments are created. What should be the model of development can be decided by the people themselves at the local level. It is in the compatibility of the concept of ‘Four Pillar State’ (Chaukhamba Raj), envisaged by Dr. Rammanohar Lohia just one month after the commencement of the Indian Constitution. The rulers-that-be and all political parties would do well to remember all this because they are taking oath in the name of the Constitution.
After taking note of the ill effects of the privatization-liberalisation-globalisation policies, it has become imperative to discard the Western model of development and adopt the Indian model by keeping in mind the fact that two-thirds of our population are engaged in agriculture. Full employment, protection of environment and lessening the gap between various classes and regions should be accepted as goals of our development policies. The government’s policy to reduce dependence on agri-sector from 70 % to 50% is misguided. Proper infrastructure facilities like communication, water, power, credit, research and marketing should be provided to producers engaged in agriculture, forestry, dairy, fishery etc. Cooperative societies should be strengthened. Production of daily use commodities like cloth, oil, soap, medicines, etc. be reserved for cottage and small scale industries and their location be decentralized in the direction of achieving self- reliance. Remunerative prices to their produce should be ensured.
Use of fossil fuel be minimized. Nuclear energy, looking at its hazardous nature, should not be used. Instead, renewable sources like solar, wind, gobar be harnessed. Capital goods industries and all-India services like railway, banking, and insurance must be in the domain of the public sector. The Reserve Bank of India should exercise a diligent control over financial transactions, particularly on capital account.

On environment

The Western model of development has posed a serious threat to the environment world over. Since this model of development sustains itself upon indiscriminate exploitation of the natural resources, the call of its propagators for ‘sustainable development’ or ‘development with human face’ is hollow. The Socialist Party has constituted a committee to find genuine solutions to the present climate crisis. The committee will examine the threat posed to the eco-system by the capitalist model of development and suggest alternatives based on the thoughts of thinkers who advocate harmony between nature and men and differentiate between need and greed.

No to FDI and WTO

The Socialist Party opposes UPA government’s decision allowing 51% FDI in the retail sector and suggests that the retail trade should be reserved only for the domestic sector. Not only the foreign MNC's, but even the big Indian corporate/industrial houses should be kept away from retail trade. Retailers, particularly vendors and road-side shopkeepers should be protected from the extortion by the local body officers and the police. A well thought-out plan should be made by the government to strengthen and modernise the retail sector which involves 5 crores of population.
India should oppose the WTO which pushes FDI into Banks, Insurance, water, electricity, defence matters. Efforts should be made to steer Indian economy from being dependent upon, and being geared to benefit, corporate capitalism. India must not rush into signing Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and other bi- and multi-lateral trade agreements that would jeopardize access to essential and affordable medicines, seeds and adversely impact other sectors of small and medium scale enterprises. 
The Socialist Party believes in sustainability at local level as envisaged by Mahatma Gandhi's Gram Swarajya and Dr. Lohia’s ‘Four Pillar’ model. Opening markets internationally doe not provide equal level playing field to domestic players. We have seen how big industries (whether domestic or multinational) are given undue benefits and promotions to help protect their markets and domestic players are dealt with a heavy hand making it all the more difficult for them to survive.

No to seventh pay commission

The seventh pay commission should not be constituted for the next 5 years to put a break on increasing disparity of income between organised and unorganised sectors. 

 No to privatisation/commercialisation of education

Education is the responsibility of the state and it should be met with utmost commitment and sincerity. The state should provide free, equal and quality education from KG to PG. It should be through CSS (Common School System) and in Indian languages as medium. This goal cannot be achieved unless privatisation/commercialisation of education in any form including PPP (Private Public Partnership) is scrapped. The Indian university system should be strengthened, not only to provide quality education and research to the youth but to accommodate all the aspirants as well. The Socialist Party opposes the entry of private and foreign universities. The private players in the higher education should not be allowed in any manner because they are profiteers and reduce otherwise talented students merely to skilled labourers for the benefit of MNCs.

PDS must be strengthened

With a view to ensure adequate regular supply of food grains, sugar, kerosene etc. at reasonable prices for the poor and lower middle income groups, PDS structure must be buttressed. Pilferage be eliminated. System of cash transfers proposed by the government should not be adopted as it is fraught with immense potentiality for misuse and fraud.


Legitimate rights of workers, particularly to collective bargaining and peaceful collective action, must be protected. Social security, in the form of life and health insurance and old age pension be provided to all workers in the unorganized sector. The State should ensure common, qualitative and free education and health services to all members of the working class.

Honourable treatment to women and their empowerment

State should ensure that there will be no female foeticide, honour killing, bride-burning for dowry and sexual harassment. Violence towards the female citizens at home, workplace or on the streets must stop. Men folk should radically change their mindset and habits as suggested by Dr. Lohia long back. Popular pressure should be built up to prevent obscene and vulgar display/expressions printed or televised in media which is generally controlled by the profit-hungry corporate houses.
Not just cosmetic gestures like introducing an exclusive bank for women, but the channelling of adequate flow of banking services towards women, from all the branches of the banks, should be promoted and monitored.

Maintenance of communal harmony

Effective communal violence law must be enacted soon and implemented ardently. Innocent Muslim youths should not be rounded up in combing operations nor should they be made to linger in jails for indefinite time. Persons responsible for terrorist acts must be brought to book with no loss of time. But ordinary people must not be unjustly harassed in the process.
The Socialist Party has made a demand that the mortal remains of Bahadur Shah Zafar should be brought back to India from Rangoon (presently Yangon), Myanmar, by the government of India. The party has submitted a memorandum to this effect to the President of India. Zafar was the leader of our First War of Independence against the colonial powers and a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity. The Socialist Party, at its national convention, launches an all India movement in favour of the demand. The people of India should collectively support this demand of the Socialist Party while enjoying the fruits of freedom.

Promotion of social equality

All-out efforts must be put in to eradicate the caste system and offer special opportunities to the dalits, adivasis and backward castes in the field of education, employment and other walks of life. Forest Rights Act 2006 must be implemented within a reasonable time-span in the best interest of the tribals.

Defence of the Nation

The Socialist party considers the jawans of the Army, Navy and Air Force as the backbone of our defence system. These jawans, who render sterling service to safeguard the borders, should be treated well by their superior officers. Trained jawans should not be deployed as orderlies to serve their officers. This legacy of old days of colonialism should be stopped immediately. Their families back home must also be looked after with care and honour.
India has earned a bad name as the largest single big purchaser of military hardware in the world market. Lakhs of crores of rupees go down the drain as commission. This must be stopped. No more purchases should be made from Western producers. Let our scientists, engineers and technicians, who have put satellites in the sky, develop and produce heavy armaments and vehicles for our armed forces. India is not a military state and should not indulge in the arms’ race which hampers the welfare schemes. There should be no stockpile of nuclear arms. No nuclear plant should be commissioned e. g. Kudankulam, Jaitapur, Gorakhpur etc. or built in future. 

North-eastern States and Jammu-Kashmir

The terrain in these Border States being so difficult, greater priority should be accorded to providing rail and road facilities there. As insurgency is fast receding in those areas, the military may be withdrawn or at least AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) be lifted with immediate effect. Issues in these states should be resolved peacefully with due regard to the rights and aspirations of the people. The Socialist Party expresses concern, particularly over the terrorist attacks and assaults aimed at those who have been participating in the democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir.  
People in other states where the citizens of above states happen to stay for education, employment, and self-employment etc. should accord brotherly treatment towards them.

Foreign policy

Maintenance of world peace and cooperation and Protection of Human Rights should be the guiding principles of our foreign policy. Bonds of friendship with the neighbours and other countries of East Asia and Africa should be strengthened while taking due care and caution about the security concerns of our country. The foreign policy of the country should be free of the neo-imperialist pressures/interests. For example, the treaty on gas pipe line between India and Iran was dropped due to the US pressure. Sincere diplomatic deliberations should prevail upon direct military action because war brings havoc to humanity. India should pursue the policy of peaceful co-existence with the neighbouring countries. But it should not be done at the cost of land and people of the country. A fitting reply must be given to a neighbour if there is a genuine threat. However, jingoistic rhetoric serves no purpose. On the contrary, such verbosity exposes hollowness of their real commitment.
In the light of the recent Chinese intrusion into 19kms of Indian Territory, the Socialist Party will initiate a movement to stop all imports of Chinese goods into India so that China does not repeat the practice again. The party does not support direct military action in such incidents and believe that all such disputes should be resolved through bilateral negotiations. But the party does support and demand policies which would protect our local markets, small and middle scale industries and local craft artisans across the country. Such a resolve will strengthen our economic power. Banning imports from China and promoting domestically produced products will give double boost to our economy and put more pressure on China to respect international borders including India’s. 
The Socialist Party firmly demands that the Indian land occupied by China in the war of 1962 must be vacated and calls upon the Indian government to review its position with regard to Tibet, particularly in the light of persistent Chinese intrusion throughout the Indo-Tibet border. The Party expresses its deep concern over the unabated violence in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The same imperialist forces, that are responsible for the havoc in these countries, are playing with emotions of the Muslims by circulating objectionable materials in various forms. These forces, in their lust for profit, are not ready to allow peace and harmony a chance to prevail in the world.

Efficient work culture

There should be time-bound clearance of citizens’ applications in govt offices, banks, electricity, judicial courts, etc. Officers and employees in government and semi-government establishments should be asked to clear citizens’ matters in a given time-frame. Instead of English, officials should use Indian languages and extend courteous behaviour to all citizens. An efficient work culture at the government and semi-government offices is a must to dispel privatisation.

Banish VIP culture

There must be a drastic downsizing of facilities and security provided to VIPs. This legacy of feudal and colonial ages must go from Democratic Republic India. The political and bureaucratic bosses should not be allowed to interfere in the working of various departments including the police. They should learn to live and behave like common Indians while performing their responsibility with utmost commitment and honesty.

Bharat Ratna should be given to Savitri Bai Phule

The Bharat Ratna award should be given to Savitri Bai Phule, the first women teacher of modern India. 

The goal : An alternative politics

It is a matter of utmost concern for the Socialist Party that politics of hate, violence, conspiracy, rumour and servility is prevailing upon politics that is value based. Most of the mainstream political parties and leaders openly indulge in corruption, communalism, casteism, parochialism, money-power, muscle-power and family lineage tactics. They despise and suppress Indian masses but happily and readily bow to the dictates of the US controlled neo-imperialist regime. The Socialist Party aspires to create an alternative political culture based on the socialist philosophy and fundamental Constitutional values while opposing this anti-Constitutional and anti-people character of mainstream Indian politics.

Dr. Prem Singh
General Secretary and Spokesperson

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