Wednesday, 24 April 2019

सच्चर साहब को पहली पुण्यतिथि पर याद किया गया


जस्टिस सच्चर की पहली पुण्यतिथि पर कल 20 अप्रैल को दिल्ली में सोशलिस्ट पार्टी की युवा इकाई सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा व पी. यू. सी. एल के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में जस्टिस सच्चर के व्यक्तित्व के विविध पहलुओं पर संगोष्ठी का आयोजन किया गया। संगोष्ठी की अध्यक्षता जस्टिस जसपाल सिंह (पूर्व न्यायधीश दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट) ने की। इस अवसर पर वक्ताओं में एनडी पंचोली (उपाध्यक्ष पीयूसीएल), अनिल नौरिया (अधिवक्ता सुप्रीम कोर्ट) डॉ. हरीश खन्ना (पूर्व प्रोफेसर दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय), मंजु मोहन (महासचिव सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया), अशोक अरोडा(अधिवक्ता सुप्रीम कोर्ट), डॉ. सलीम मोहम्मद इंजिनियर (महासचिव लोकतंत्र और सांप्रदायिक सद्भाव मंच) थे। संगोष्ठी की अध्यक्षता कर रहे दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय के सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश जसपाल सिंह ने जस्टिस सच्चर को याद करते हुए कहा कि वे उनके जीवन का सबसे बड़ा सरमाया हैं, पूंजी हैं। उन्होंने जस्टिस सच्चर को अपने अभिभावक के रूप में याद करते हुए श्रद्धांजलि दी। उन्होंने अपने ख़ास अंदाज़ में कहा कि सच्चर साहब पक्के समाजवादी थे लेकिन मैं उन्हें अपने जीवन की पूँजी मानने के चलते पूंजीवादी हूँ! .उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वे बहती धारा के साथ बहने वाले व्यक्ति नहीं थे। मानवाधिकारों व संवैधानिक मूल्यों की स्थापना हेतु व लोकतंत्र की रक्षा के लिए धारा के विपरीत जाकर लडने वाली शख्सियत थे। साथ ही वे एक मुहब्बती इंसान थे जो मेरे जैसे न्याय व्यवस्था के अधीनस्थ स्तर पर काम करने वाले व्यक्ति के साथ भी बराबर का बर्ताव करते थे। 

वरिष्ठ वकील अनील नौरिया ने जस्टिस सच्चर के व्यक्तित्व के आंदोलनकारी पहलू पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा कि सच्चर साहब पर स्वाधीनता आंदोलन के समय से ही समाजवादी आंदोलन का गहरा प्रभाव था। लोहिया, जिन्होंने नागरिक अधिकारों की पुरजोर वकालत की, के प्रभाव स्वरुप वे आजीवन नागरिक अधिकारों व व्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता के लिए संघर्षरत रहे। आपातकाल के दौरान वे जयप्रकाश नारायण द्वारा स्थापित पी. यू. सी. एल से जुड़े व लोकतांत्रिक व संवैधानिक मानवाधिकारों के लिए संघर्ष किया। वरिष्ठ पत्रकार कुर्बान अली ने जस्टिस सच्चर को याद करते हुए कहा कि ये समाजवादी आंदोलन से विरासत में मिली प्रतिबद्धता व प्रशिक्षण ही था कि सच्चर साहब न्यायधीश के पद पर रहते हुए भी १९८४ के दंगों व १९८७ के मेरठ दंगों में, हाशिमपुरा नरसंहार में सेहत खराब होने के बावजूद लोगों के बीच गए व कई दिनों तक जनसुनवाई करके सबूत एकत्र किए जिन के आधार पर बाद में मुकदमा चला। साथ ही जज रहते उन्होंने यह भी आदेश दिया कि १९८४ दंगों की वो सारी एफ.आई.आर दर्ज हों जो उस दौरान नहीं की गई थी। कुर्बान अली ने कहा कि संघ की मुस्लिम तुष्टिकरण की अफवाह की पोल पहली बार सच्चर कमेटी की रिपोर्ट सामने आने से ही खुली जिससे इस देश के मुस्लिमों की वास्तविक सामाजिक, आर्थिक स्थिति सामने आयी। इस अवसर पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के वकील अशोक अरोड़ा ने जस्टिस सच्चर को याद करते हुए कहा कि उनका जीवन एक उत्सव की तरह रहा है। उनसे हमें प्रेरणा लेनी चाहिए सच्चर साहब सामाजिक क्रांति की बात करते थे जिसके विषय में वे कहते थे कि सामाजिक क्रांति व बदलाव कोर्ट कचहरी या वकीलों से नही आना है वह व्यक्ति के सोशल होने से आएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि जस्टिस सच्चर के भीतर एक मां का प्यार बसता था जो हम सबको मिलाता था। इस अवसर पर पीयूसीएल के उपाध्यक्ष एनडी पंचोली ने जस्टिस सच्चर को याद करते हुए कहा कि सच्चर साहब को याद करते हुए हमें वे मूल्य याद आते हैं जो स्वाधीनता संग्राम की लड़ाई के दौरान सामने आए थे। स्वतंत्रता, समानता व बंधुत्व के मूल्य जिनके लिए सच्चर साहब आजीवन लड़ते रहे। 

डॉ. हरीश खन्ना ने कहा कि वे हम दिल्ली के समाजवादियों के लिए प्रेरणा स्रोत थे। वे अत्यधिक उम्र हो जाने के बावजूद धुप-बारिश की परवाह न करते हुए सडकों पर होने वाले धरने प्रदर्शनों में शामिल होते थे। मंजु मोहन ने कहा कि सच्चर साहब हमारे घर के सदस्य की तरह थे। संगोष्ठी का संचालन कर रहे योगेश पासवान ने इस अवसर पर जस्टिस सच्चर को याद करते हुए कहा कि उनका जीवन देश व समाज के प्रति समर्पण भाव से परिपूर्ण था। कर्तव्यनिष्ठा व सोद्देश्यता उनके व्यक्तित्व व जीवन के बड़े गुण हैं। जिनसे प्रेरणा ग्रहण कर हमें अपना जीवन बेहतर समाज निर्माण व देश को संवारने में देना चाहिए व जस्टिस सच्चर की राह का अनुसरण करना चाहिए। वरिष्ठ पत्रकार चरण सिंह ने चर्चा में हिस्सा लेते हुए कहा कि यह तथ्य भी ध्यान में रखना चाहिए कि सच्चर साहब ने 2011 में अन्य कई वरिष्ठ और युवा समाजवादियों के साथ मिल कर सोशलिस्ट पार्टी को फिर से खड़ा किया था, डॉ. प्रेम सिंह जिसके अध्यक्ष हैं। यह दुःख की बात है कि उन्हें समाजवादी बताते हुए यह तथ्य छुपा लिया जाता है। न समाजवादी और न ही अल्पसंख्यक, खास कर मुसलमान, जिनके जीवन स्तर पर सच्चर कमिटी रिपोर्ट उन्होंने पेश की, उनकी पार्टी से जुड़े। 

इस अवसर पर सभागार में कई विद्वतजन व सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता उपस्थित थे थॉमस मैथ्यू, नरेंद्र सिंह, अश्विनी कुमार (सुकरात), जस्टिस सच्चर के परिवार से उनकी बेटी माधवी व बड़ी संख्या में नौजवान व विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के शोधार्थी इस अवसर पर मौजूद रहे।

Monday, 15 April 2019

'जलियांवाला बाग और क़ुर्बानी के सौ साल'

सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) और आहंग के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में 'जलियांवाला बाग और क़ुर्बानी के सौ साल' कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया किया। शिव मंदिर सभा,सत्य निकेतन और रेजिडेंट वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन,सत्य निकेतन ने इस कार्यक्रम में अपनी पूरी भागीदारी निभाई। कार्यक्रम के पहले सत्र में क्रांतिकारी गीतों और कविताओं का जोश से भरा प्रस्तुति दी गयी।जिसमें बेरख्त की कविता 'मदर' और 'अध्यापक' कविता का वाचन क्रमशः अमोघ और आबिद मुबारक ने किया। कात्यायनी की कविता इंक़लाब' का पाठ हिरण्य हिमकर द्वारा किया गया।पाश की कविता 'हम लड़ेंगे साथी' का पाठ कारण द्वारा किया गया।सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना की कविता 'जारी है,जारी है अभी लड़ाई जारी है' का पाठ अंशुमान ने किया। 'अब अंधेरा जीत लेंगे,लोग अपने गाँव के' कविता का पाठ राहुल द्वारा किया गया।स्वर्णजीत सिंह ने 'ऐ मेरे प्यारे वतन' और 'कर चले हम फिदा'गीतों का भाव-विभोर प्रस्तुति दी।कार्यक्रम के दूसरे चरण में
"नवसाम्राज्यवाद का विरोध और जलियांवाला बाग" विषय पर परिचर्चा में मुख्य वक्ता डॉ शशि शेखर सिंह रहे और परिचर्चा की अध्यक्षता सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष डॉ प्रेम सिंह ने की।विषय पर बोलते हुए डॉ शशि शेखर सिंह ने इतिहास का विस्तृत संदर्भ बताते हुए वर्तमान के प्रति सचेत रहने को कहा।उन्होंने जलियांवाला बाग की घटना का वर्ष 1919 को भारतीय इतिहास में महत्वपूर्ण साल माना।।उन्होंने इतिहास के संदर्भों से वर्तमान को विश्लेषित करने पर जोर दिया।आज नवसाम्राज्यवादी ताक़तें पूंजी के साथ भारतवर्ष में अपनी जड़ें जमा रहा है,ऐसे में समता-न्याय-स्वतंत्रता जैसे संवैधानिक मूल्यों की हत्या की जा रही है।।।अध्यक्षीय वक्तव्य देते हुए डॉ प्रेम सिंह ने कहा कि आज चुनावी राजनीति भी नवसाम्राज्यवाद की ही देन।नवसाम्राज्यवाद बाज़ार के जरिये हमारे दिमाग मे घर कर चुका,हमारे सांस्कृतिक विचारों में भी वो अपना मुनाफा ढूंढ लेता है।ऐसे में हमारी सरकारें भी नवसाम्राज्यवाद के आगे घुटने टेके हैं।ऐसी परिस्थिति में हम चाहे आज का दिन याद करे,गांधी-नेहरू जयंती आदि मनाएं उसका कोई सार्थक मकसद नहीं है।उन्होंने युवाओं को सचेत करते हुए कहा कि आप इस नवउदारवादी-नवसाम्राज्यवादी स्थितियों की पहचान कर देश को लोकतांत्रिक मूल्यों पर लाकर देश को बचाएं।शिव मंदिर सभा केअध्यक्ष डॉ बी.आर.गुप्ता ने वक्तायों को धन्यवाद दिया।

सरकारी पदों पर सीधी नियुक्तियां संविधान के विरुद्ध

प्रेस रिलीज़

मोदी सरकार ने विभिन्न सरकारी विभागों में निजी क्षेत्र के 9 विशेषज्ञों की संयुक्त सचिव के रैंक पर सीधी नियुक्ति की है. राजस्व विभाग में भी इस तरह की नियुक्तियां होनी थीं, लेकिन प्रक्रियागत कारणों से वे रद्द हो गईं. मोदी सरकार ने सत्ता में आते ही भारत सरकार को 'निगम सरकार' में बदलने का काम तेज कर दिया था. उसी की एक बानगी ये सीधी  नियुक्तियां हैं. सरकार ने एक साल पहले निजी क्षेत्र के तथाकथित विशेषज्ञों से इन नियुक्तियों के लिए आवेदन मांगे थे. यह भी खबर है कि कुछ और विभागों में इस तरह की नियुक्तियां की जायेंगी.

फिलहाल ये नियुक्तियां 3 साल के लिए हैं. यह अवधि 5 साल तक बढ़ाई जा सकती है. सरकार जिस तरह से सरकार के विभागों और सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रमों को निजी हाथों में सौंपती जा रही है, उसका यही संकेत है कि अगला कदम सीधी नियुक्तियों को पूर्णकालिक बनाने का होगा. सरकार की इस कवायद का एक अन्य संकेत यह भी है कि भविष्य में ये विशेषज्ञ विदेशी प्राइवेट कंपनियों से भी लिए जाएं. इतना ही नहीं, आगे राज्य सरकारों में भी इस तरह की सीधी नियुक्तियां की जा सकती हैं.      

अभी तक संघ लोक सेवा आयोग (यूपीएससी) की सिविल सेवा परीक्षा या अन्य केंद्रीय सेवाओं  की परीक्षा पास करने वाले नागरिक संयुक्त सचिव के रैंक पर पदासीन होते रहे हैं. संयुक्त सचिव के रैंक तक पहुंचने में उन्हें कई सालों के कार्य अनुभव से गुजरना होता है. जिन सरकारी विभागों में ये सीधी नियुक्तियां की गई हैं, वहां इस रैंक पर पहले से लोग कार्यरत हैं. सरकार के इस फैसले से कार्यकुशलता बढ़ने के स्थान पर झगड़ा बढ़ सकता है. मजेदारी यह है कि सीधे संयुक्त सचिव के पद पर बिठाये गए इन विशेषज्ञों का चयन यूपीएससी के मार्फत किया गया है! इसका मतलब है कि सरकार महत्वपूर्ण संवैधानिक संस्था यूपीएससी को निजी क्षेत्र के लिए प्रवेश द्वार बना रही है.     

सोशलिस्ट पार्टी मोदी सरकार के इस निर्णय को संविधान विरोधी मानती है और इसे तुरंत निरस्त करने की मांग करती है. पार्टी देश के समस्त नागरिकों से अपील करती है कि वे इस संविधान विरोधी फैसले को निरस्त करने के लिए सरकार पर जबरदस्त दबाव बनायें.

डॉ. प्रेम सिंह

Lateral entry into governmental offices is against Constitution

Press release

The Modi Government has appointed 9 private sector experts to the rank of Joint Secretary in different central government departments through lateral entry. The government had invited applications for appointments in the Department of Revenue also, but it was canceled due to procedural reasons. As soon as the Modi government came to power, the Indian government was quick to change into a 'corporation government'. One of the hallmarks of this shift is seen in these direct appointments made in the name of lateral entry. The government had invited applications from so-called experts of private sector for these appointments a year ago. It is also reported that such appointments will be made in some other central departments as well.

At the moment, these appointments are for 3 years. This period can be extended up to 5 years. The way this government is handing over government departments and public sector enterprises in private hands, it would make these appointments full time. Another indication of this very exercise of the government is that such experts could also be appointed from foreign private companies in the future. Furthermore, the practice can be extended to the state government services.

So far, the citizens who pass the Civil Services examination of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) or some other central services are appointed to the rank of Joint Secretary. To reach the rank of Joint Secretary, he or she has to undergo many years of work experience. In the central government departments, where these lateral appointments have been done, people in this rank are already employed. This decision of the government can create quarrel rather than creating efficiency. The interesting aspect of this exercise is that the selection of these private sector experts have been made through the UPSC! This means, the government is making the UPSC, an important constitutional institution, a gateway for the entry of private sector.

The Socialist Party considers this decision of the Modi government as anti-Constitution and demands its immediate abolishment. The party appeals to all the citizens of the country to put tremendous pressure on the government to repeal this anti-constitutional decision.

Dr. Prem Singh

जलियांवाला बाग : कुर्बानी के सौ साल

प्रेम सिंह

आज 13 अप्रैल 2019 को जलियांवाला बाग नरसंहार का सौवां साल है. वह बैसाखी के त्यौहार का दिन था. आस-पास के गावों-कस्बों से हजारों नर-नारी-बच्चे अमृतसर आये हुए थे. उनमें से बहुत-से लोग खुला मैदान देख कर जलियांवाला बाग में डेरा जमाए थे. रौलेट एक्ट के विरोध के चलते पंजाब में तनाव का माहौल था. तीन दिन पहले अमृतसर में जनता और पुलिस बलों की भिड़ंत हो चुकी थी. पुलिस दमन के विरोध में 10 अप्रैल को 5 अंग्रेजों की हत्या और मिस शेरवूड के साथ बदसलूकी की घटना हुई थी. कांग्रेस के नेता डॉ. सत्यपाल और सैफुद्दीन किचलू गिरफ्तार किये जा चुके थे. शाम को जलियांवाला बाग में एक जनसभा का आयोजन था जिसमें गिरफ्तार नेताओं को रिहा करने और रौलेट एक्ट को वापस लेने की मांग के प्रस्ताव रखे जाने थे. इसी सभा पर जनरल रेजिनाल्ड एडवर्ड डायर (जिन्हें पंजाब के लेफ्टीनेंट गवर्नर माइकेल फ्रांसिस ओ'ड्वायर ने अमृतसर बुलाया था) ने बिना पूर्व चेतावनी के सेना को सीधे गोली चलाने के आदेश दिए. सभा में 15 से 20 हजार भारतीय मौजूद थे. उनमें से 500 से 1000 लोग मारे गए और हजारों घायल हुए. फायरिंग के बाद जनरल डायर ने घायलों को अस्पताल पहुँचाने से यह कह कर मना कर दिया कि यह उनकी ड्यूटी नहीं है! 13 अप्रैल को अमृतसर में मार्शल लॉ लागू नहीं था. मार्शल लॉ नरसंहार के तीन दिन बाद लागू किया गया जिसमें ब्रिटिश हुकूमत ने जनता पर भारी जुल्म किए.

जनरल डायर ने जो 'ड्यूटी' निभायी उस पर चश्मदीदों, इतिहासकारों और प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों ने, नस्ली घृणा से लेकर डायर के मनोरोगी होने तक, कई नज़रियों से विचार किया है. ब्रिटिश हुकूमत ने जांच के लिए हंटर कमीशन बैठाया और कांग्रेस ने भी अपनी जांच समिति बैठाई. इंग्लैंड में भी जनरल डायर की भूमिका की जांच को लेकर आर्मी कमीशन बैठाया गया. इंग्लैंड के निचले और उंचले सदनों में में भी डायर द्वारा की गई फायरिंग पर चर्चा हुई. हालांकि निचले सदन में बहुमत ने डायर की फायरिंग को गलत ठहराया लेकिन उंचले सदन में बहुमत डायर के पक्ष में था. इंग्लैंड के एक अखबार ने डायर की सहायता के लिए कोष की स्थापना की जिसमें करीब 70 हज़ार पौंड की राशि इकठ्ठा हुई. भारत में रहने वाले अंग्रेजों और ब्रिटेन वासियों ने डायर को  'राज' की रक्षा करने वाला स्वीकार किया.

जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने अपनी आत्मकथा में लिखा है कि ट्रेन से लाहौर से दिल्ली लौटते हुए उन्होंने खुद जनरल डायर को अपने सैन्य सहयोगियों को यह कहते हुए सुना कि 13 अप्रैल 1919 को उन्होंने जो किया बिलकुल ठीक किया. जनरल डायर उसी डिब्बे में हंटर कमीशन के सामने गवाही देकर लौट रहे थे. जनरल डायर ने अपनी हर गवाही और बातचीत में फायरिंग को, बिना थोड़ा भी खेद जताए, पूरी तरह उचित ठहराया. ऐसे संकेत भी मिलते हैं कि उन्होंने स्वीकार किया था कि उनके पास ज्यादा असला और सैनिक होते तो वे और ज्यादा सख्ती से कार्रवाई करते. इससे लगता है कि अगर वे दो आर्मर्ड कारें, जिन्हें रास्ता तंग होने के कारण डायर जलियांवाला बाग के अंदर नहीं ले जा पाए, उनके साथ होती तो नरसंहार का पैमाना बहुत बढ़ सकता था!

हंटर कमीशन की रिपोर्ट और अन्य साक्ष्यों के आधार पर जनरल डायर को उनके सैन्य पद से हटा दिया गया. डायर भारत में ही जन्मे थे. लेकिन वे इंग्लैंड लौट गए और 24 जुलाई 1927 को बीमारी से वहीँ उनकी मृत्यु हुई. क्रांतिकारी ऊधम सिंह ने अपने प्रण के मुताबिक 13 मार्च 1940 को माइकेल ओ'ड्वायर की लंदन के काक्सटन हॉल में गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी. ऊधम सिंह वहां से भागे नहीं. उन्हें गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया और 31 जुलाई  1940 को फांसी दे दी गई. ऊधम सिंह का पालन अनाथालय में हुआ था. वे भगत सिंह के प्रशंसक और हिंदू-मुस्लिम एकता के हिमायती थे. बताया जाता है कि अनाथालय में रहते हुए उन्होंने अपना नाम राम मोहम्मद सिंह आज़ाद रख लिया था.     

जलियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड के बाद रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोरे ने 'नाईटहुड' और गाँधी ने 'केसरेहिंद' की उपाधियां वापस कर दीं. इस घटना के बाद भारत के स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन ने नए चरण में प्रवेश किया. करीब तीन दशक के कड़े संघर्ष और कुर्बानियों के बाद देश को आज़ादी मिली. भारत का शासक वर्ग वह आज़ादी सम्हाल नहीं पाया. उलटे उसने देश को नए साम्राज्यवाद की गुलामी में धकेल दिया है. 'आज़ाद भारत' के नाम पर केवल सम्प्रदायवाद, जातिवाद, परिवारवाद, व्यक्तिवाद और अंग्रेज़ीवाद बचा है. इसी शासक वर्ग के नेतृत्व में भारत के लोग नवसाम्राज्यवादी लूट में ज्यादा से ज्यादा हिस्सा पाने के लिए एक-दूसरे से छीना-झपटी कर रहे हैं. कहा जा रहा है यही 'नया इंडिया' है, इसे ही परवान चढ़ाना है!

जलियांवाला बाग की कुर्बानी के सौ साल का जश्न नहीं मनाना है. साम्राज्यवाद विरोध की चेतना को सलीके से बटोरना और सुलगाना है. ताकि शहीदों की कुर्बानी व्यर्थ नहीं चली जाए. इस दिशा में सोशलिस्ट पार्टी आज से साल भर तक कुछ कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करेगी. उनमें साथियों की सहभागिता और सहयोग की अपेक्षा रहेगी. जलियांवाला बाग के शहीदों को सलाम!                                   

Jallianwala Bagh: Hundred Years of Sacrifice

Prem Singh

The author teaches at Delhi University
and is president of Socialist Party
Today, on April 13, 2019, is the hundredth year of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. It was the day of Baisakhi festival. Thousands of male, female and children had come to Amritsar from nearby villages and towns. Many of them had camped in Jallianwala Bagh's open ground. There was an atmosphere of tension in Punjab due to the agitation organized to oppose the infamous Rowlett Act. The public and police forces had clashed in Amritsar three days before of the Jallianwala Bagh incident. In the protest against police suppression, on April 10, 5 British people murdered and mischief with Miss Sherwood was reported. The Congress leaders Dr. Satyapal and Saifuddin Kitchlew had been arrested. A public meeting was organized in Jallianwala Bagh in the evening where resolutions were sought to release the arrested leaders and withdraw the Rowlett Act. General Reginald Edward Dyer (who was called to Amritsar by the Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, Michael Francis O'Dwyer) directly ordered the soldiers to open firing on the gathering without any proclamation or warning. There were 15 to 20 thousand Indians present in the meeting. Among them 500 to 1,000 people were killed and thousands were injured. After firing, General Dyer refused to take the injured to the hospital for treatment saying that this was not his duty! Martial Law was not applicable in Amritsar on April 13. The Martial Law was imposed three days after the massacre, in which the British government heavily oppressed the public.

The eyewitnesses, historians, and administrative officials have analyzed the "duty" played by General Dyer from various perspectives and angles - starting  from Dyer's racial hatred towards Indians to his psychiatric disorder. The British government constituted Hunter Commission for investigation and the Congress also set up its probe committee. The Army Commission was also set up in England to investigate the role of General Dyer. Dyer's action of direct firing was discussed in England's lower and upper houses also. Although the majority in the Lower House rejected Dyer's action but the majority in the Upper House was in favor of Dyer. The Morning Post, a newspaper in England, collected around 30,000 Pounds for Dyer in recognition of his services to the Empire. The British in England and British officials in India mostly acclaimed Dyer as the protector of the 'Raj'.

Jawaharlal Nehru has written in his autobiography that while returning from Lahore to Delhi by train, he himself heard General Dyer telling his military companions that he did precisely what he ought to do on April 13, 1919. General Dyer was returning in the same compartment after giving testimony before the Hunter Commission. General Dyer, in his every testimony and conversation, had justified his action without any sign of regret or remorse. There are indications that he even said that if he had more ammunition and soldiers, he would have taken more strict action. It seems that if Dyer had been able to carry the two armored cars with built-in guns, which could not be taken inside the Jallianwala Bagh due to the narrow road, the scale of the massacre would have been enormous!

Based on Hunter Commission's report and other evidences, General Dyer was removed from his military post and barred from further employment in India. Dyer, who was born in India, returned to England and died on 24 July 1927 from illness. Revolutionary Udham Singh shot and killed Michael O'Dwyer on March 13, 1940 at Caxton Hall in London, as he had pledged just after the massacre. Udham Singh did not run away from the spot. He was arrested and hanged on July 31, 1940. Udham Singh was raised in an orphanage. He was admirer of Bhagat Singh and advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity. It is said that while living in the orphanage, he had named himself Ram Mohammed Singh Azad.

After the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Rabindranath Tagore and Gandhi returned their titles of 'Knighthood' and 'Kesar-e-Hind'. After this incident, the Indian Independence Movement entered the new phase. After three decades of strong struggle and sacrifices, the country got Independence. However, the ruling class of India has not been able to keep that Independence safe. Instead, it has pushed the country into the slavery of neo-imperialism. Now only 'communalism, casteism, dynastic rule, individualism and Englishism are the basic contents which have been left in the name of 'free India'. Under the leadership of this very ruling class, the people of India are sneering to each other to grab maximum share in neo-imperialist loot of the country. It is being proudly told by the ruling class that this is the 'New India', which should be admired by everyone and flourished at all costs!

In such a situation there is no need for centennial celebrations of sacrifice made at the Jallianwala Bagh. The need of the hour is to restore the anti-imperialist spirit and to keep it ignited. So that the sacrifices of the martyrs should not be in vain. In this direction the Socialist Party will organize some programs throughout the year beginning from today. The participation and support of all fellow citizens would be expected.
Salute to the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh!

Lok Sabha Elections 2019 : A Perspective for Opposition Unity (2)

Prem Singh

The contemporaneity of present day politics in India, as far as both the government and the opposition is concerned, is characterized by an absence of any real difference of policy vision across the political spectrum. The trend actually has been of gradual diminishing of difference between various political parties. Defection from one party to the other has become a matter of common occurrence because ideology no longer remains the pivot around which most political parties and leaders revolve. The occupancy of power has come to solely depend upon the victory in elections. Events around elections are informed by changing coalitions and leaders defecting from their parent political parties. This trend has attained such a level of normalcy that no eyebrows are raised on it. It is not without reason. At the time when the Congress implemented the New Economic Policies in 1991, the senior BJP leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee had said that the Congress has now taken over the BJP's task. Perhaps only then he had assessed that he could become the Prime Minister of the country in the near future. Otherwise it had been a general perception in the 80's that Vajpayee, being associated with the RSS/Jana Sangh, could never become the Prime Minister of India despite his personal popularity. Vajpayee became prime minister of coalition governments - two times for a short term, and then for a full term. Now Narendra Modi is the prime minister of the country with BJP in absolute majority in the Lower House.

Since 1991, almost all mainstream political parties have acclimatized themselves in favor of New Economic Policies, a policy decision which was blatantly against the socialist ideology of country's Constitution. As a result it has become an overt fact that corporate capitalism has been guiding the political parties and leaders of India for the last three decades. When the Directive Principles, as mentioned in the Constitution, were replaced by the dictates of the global institutions of the corporate capitalism such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, World Economic Forum etc. and domestic and foreign multinational companies/corporate houses, it became obvious that the basic values of the Constitution like socialism, secularism and democracy would face a crisis. We have almost lost socialism and secularism and   do not even have a true regret for this loss/damage. Post 1991 generations in India were automatically habituated with this paradigm shift. The skeleton of democracy is still there. Until this skeleton will last, elections will continue to take place in the country.

In any country’s politics it would be considered a grave situation if the decision of a government or opposition relies solely on an immediate victory or defeat in the elections. Ideally a government or opposition should be tested on the basis of effective implementation of polices on the lines of the Constitutional principles and by better utilization and growth of the constitutional institutions. But political parties and leaders are not ready to commit to any ideology, regrettably not even to the ideology of the Constitution, other than the ideology of corporate capitalism. In such a situation voters are left with no real options. The Congress and the BJP are open advocates of neo-liberal policies which operate under the dicta of corporate capitalism. Apart from these two, the other big-small political parties, most intellectuals, civil society organizations and activists of the country also play their role in the realm of neo-liberal policies. The mainstream media is the product of this very milieu/environment and it incessantly serves the same to the people. Which is said to be the counterpart of the 'godi media', also appears to be working mostly within the purview of neo-liberalism. In the meantime, the icons of the Freedom Struggle are dragged into the cesspool of neo-liberalism by these leaders, on the other hand, apart from the dynastic political heirs, the new faces who come up in the power-politics, are marked by caste, religion and region.

Kishan Patnaik, in the 90s, had called this phenomenon the beginning of counter-revolution in India. Since the past two decades, the counter-revolution has matured. The maturity of counter-revolution is evidenced by the fact that some NGO activists, religious brokers, ex-government officials and professionals first create the anti-corruption agitation, and the country's whole left-right intelligentsia and the media becomes united in its favor and propaganda. A new party of 'aam admi' emerged from the 'ashes' of the movement, which brings the RSS/BJP and the socialists/communists together! This is corporate capitalism's own political party which now flexes its muscles to put the Congress on knees! In such a situation, it is almost impossible to make way for the politics that directly opposes corporate capitalism, which is the second name of neo-imperialism, through elections.

But in spite of this reality seeped in pessimism, the election remains the only basis where the positive avenues for change can be explored. For this purpose, I wrote an essay titled 'Lok Sabha Elections 2019 A Perspective for Opposition Unity' in June last year. In view of the formation of a formidable coalition of the opposition, the essay was written in some detail. In Hindi, it was published in the and in English in the 'Counter Current', 'Mainstream Weekly', 'Janata Weekly' and in some other online and printed journals. While presenting the multi-dimensional role of elections in our democracy, mainly four suggestions were made in the essay : A national coalition, apart from BJP and Congress, comprising third force political parties and the Left parties should be formed under the name of National Front for Social Justice; One of the leaders of the opposition parties should lead that coalition at the national level; the Congress should support the National Front government, if formed, for five years from outside; and intellectuals of the country should play a proactive role in the formation, realization and success of the National Front. These four things could not be materialized. The Lok Sabha elections have been announced and the first phase voting will be held on 11 April 2019. In this case, the writing of the second part of the essay may not be justified. But in the context of the miscellaneous election-alliances and the strategies chalked out by the opposition, a little discussion can be followed.

It is clear that neither the proposed 'National Front for Social Judicial' nor the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) exists in the field to fight the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). Phrases like Maha Gathbandhan are heard, but in comparison to the NDA, the opposition, including the Congress, has formed only state-wise miscellaneous alliances. Whatever the strength and limitations of these alliances in the elections, speculations have started arising regarding their credibility and stability post the elections. It is believed that whatever the miscellaneous alliances have come into existence, their character is unreliable and will not endure. Some parties/leaders involved in these alliances may align with the NDA in the event of BJP's edge in the elections. Modi, who runs an alliance of around 35 parties, calls opposition alliances - 'Mahamilavata'! The Congress also accuses the alliances other than its own, of creating a situation of instability.

However the situation could have been altogether different from the present one. The recent assembly elections of five states were termed as the semi-finals to the Lok Sabha elections. In those elections, the Congress formed governments in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh by defeating the BJP. It can be noted that this victory of the Congress happened due to the peasants' agitation. On 5 June 2017, six farmers were killed in police firing in Mandsaur town of Madhya Pradesh. The incident triggered a spontaneous peasants' agitation in the state. All India Kisan Sangharsh Samiti was formed to organize the movement. Aligning with the ongoing peasant movements in other states including Maharashtra, the movement triggered from Mandsaur incident, reached Delhi. The Congress did not have any role in that movement. But it reaped the benefits and won the election in three states.

After the BJP's defeat in five states, it should have been obvious for the opposition to effectively sustain and maintain the movement till the Lok Sabha elections by linking the upsurge of the peasants' movement with the labor movement, student-youth movement and the movement of the small traders. The truth of the Modi government's anti-farmer-laborer-youth-small traders policies should have been constantly kept alive in the public domain. With this, the solid issues such as the decision of demonetization that broke the backbone of country's economy, unprecedented inflation and unemployment, failure of law and order, loot by the monopoly houses, aiding economic offenders to flee the country, scam in the Rafale deal, selling of the public assets-institutions-units to the private hands, destroying the constitutional and democratic institutions should have been issues of persistent discussions. If this would have happened the BJP and Modi would have found it difficult to bounce back riding on emotional issues. But the opposition could not prepare its own pitch. They mostly played on Modi's pitch. The Congress decided to legitimize RSS/BJP's communal politics by deciding to itself do the politics of the caste and religion.

The opposition did not show maturity as far as the Lok Sabha elections are concerned. The communal fascism is at its peak in Modi-Shah rule; Amit Shah has declared that they are there to hold on power for the next 50 years. And after this Lok Sabha election, there will never be elections in the country as one of the BJP leaders has threatened. The possibility of no further election can arise only when the people of the country get totally disillusioned with the electoral process. Today's RSS/BJP will like it to happen and will not leave any stone unturned in that direction. Therefore, preserving the sanctity and dignity of the election process becomes the sole responsibility of the opposition. But it seems that most of the opposition, including the Congress, has decided to demolish whatever dignity of elections is remained instead of taking the task seriously. The practice of procurement of tickets and launching of candidates from criminals to celebrities in the elections is going on rampantly. This whole corrupt practice is not hidden from the watchful eyes of the public. Of course, the opposition is not concerned about breaking the confidence of the public in the election process.

Let consider the role of intellectuals in this regard. The essay mentioned above ends with these lines: "The intellectuals and activists of the country, who are worried about the basic values of the Constitution - socialism, secularism and democracy - and the erosion of constitutional institutions, should play a positive role in the formation and acceptance of the National Front. In India, leaders have often inspired intellectuals and artists. Now it is a turn of the intellectuals, artists and conscious representatives of the civil society to extend their guidance and co-operation to the leaders in the times of crisis."  In spite of being the most vocal opponents of fascism, the intellectuals could not play a meaningful role in the direction of opposition unity. They are more interested in securing benefits in the non-BJP governments, but do not want to criticize the leaders in the interest of socialism, secularism and democracy. In common parlance, the (mis)use of religion for politics is called communalism. Such intellectuals have gone to the extent of describing and praising Rahul Gandhi's politics of religion and brahmanatva to be different from the RSS/BJP. They even shamelessly argued that Rahul Gandhi's politics of religion is good for the country. The remaining intellectuals found it prudent (for their self-interests) to observe silence on this matter. This is one example. Actually, the RSS/BJP's Hindu-Rashtra is envisioned in the thieves' market of secularism!

In conclusion, it can be said that in the present Lok Sabha elections there is ample discontent in the people against the Modi government, but even the opposition and the intellectual have grossly failed in fulfilling their responsibilities. Whatever the case, elections, like politics, are also a game of possibilities. It would be interesting to see if in spite of all the constraints of the corporate-communal nexus and media's support to it, voters overthrow the existing anti-constitutional government. It may also happen that the fruits of defeat of the government are reaped by the third force, and not the Congress. In such a situation, the leaders of the third force should seriously consider their historic role in handling the country's power for the next five years. If it doesn’t become a reality this time, then strong attempts towards its realization should be made for the Lok Sabha elections of 2024.

The preceding observations should not be taken to mean that the politics of opposing neo-liberal/neo-imperial forces should be stopped. Rather, it should persevere despite all the obstacles and it will go on to be realized one day. It would be akin to the Struggle for Independence, which despite all the repression by the colonialists and the complicity of some countrymen, inevitably went on and succeeded.

(The author teaches Hindi at Delhi University and is president of Socialist Party.)

Lok Sabha Elections 2019 : A Perspective for Opposition Unity (2)

Prem Singh

The contemporaneity of present day politics in India, as far as both the government and the opposition is concerned, is characterized by an absence of any real difference of policy vision across the political spectrum. The trend actually has been of gradual diminishing of difference between various political parties. Defection from one party to the other has become a matter of common occurrence because ideology no longer remains the pivot around which most political parties and leaders revolve. The occupancy of power has come to solely depend upon the victory in elections. Events around elections are informed by changing coalitions and leaders defecting from their parent political parties. This trend has attained such a level of normalcy that no eyebrows are raised on it. It is not without reason. At the time when the Congress implemented the New Economic Policies in 1991, the senior BJP leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee had said that the Congress has now taken over the BJP's task. Perhaps only then he had assessed that he could become the Prime Minister of the country in the near future. Otherwise it had been a general perception in the 80's that Vajpayee, being associated with the RSS/Jana Sangh, could never become the Prime Minister of India despite his personal popularity. Vajpayee became prime minister of coalition governments - two times for a short term, and then for a full term. Now Narendra Modi is the prime minister of the country with BJP in absolute majority in the Lower House.

Since 1991, almost all mainstream political parties have acclimatized themselves in favor of New Economic Policies, a policy decision which was blatantly against the socialist ideology of country's Constitution. As a result it has become an overt fact that corporate capitalism has been guiding the political parties and leaders of India for the last three decades. When the Directive Principles, as mentioned in the Constitution, were replaced by the dictates of the global institutions of the corporate capitalism such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, World Economic Forum etc. and domestic and foreign multinational companies/corporate houses, it became obvious that the basic values of the Constitution like socialism, secularism and democracy would face a crisis. We have almost lost socialism and secularism and   do not even have a true regret for this loss/damage. Post 1991 generations in India were automatically habituated with this paradigm shift. The skeleton of democracy is still there. Until this skeleton will last, elections will continue to take place in the country.

In any country’s politics it would be considered a grave situation if the decision of a government or opposition relies solely on an immediate victory or defeat in the elections. Ideally a government or opposition should be tested on the basis of effective implementation of polices on the lines of the Constitutional principles and by better utilization and growth of the constitutional institutions. But political parties and leaders are not ready to commit to any ideology, regrettably not even to the ideology of the Constitution, other than the ideology of corporate capitalism. In such a situation voters are left with no real options. The Congress and the BJP are open advocates of neo-liberal policies which operate under the dicta of corporate capitalism. Apart from these two, the other big-small political parties, most intellectuals, civil society organizations and activists of the country also play their role in the realm of neo-liberal policies. The mainstream media is the product of this very milieu/environment and it incessantly serves the same to the people. Which is said to be the counterpart of the 'godi media', also appears to be working mostly within the purview of neo-liberalism. In the meantime, the icons of the Freedom Struggle are dragged into the cesspool of neo-liberalism by these leaders, on the other hand, apart from the dynastic political heirs, the new faces who come up in the power-politics, are marked by caste, religion and region.

Kishan Patnaik, in the 90s, had called this phenomenon the beginning of counter-revolution in India. Since the past two decades, the counter-revolution has matured. The maturity of counter-revolution is evidenced by the fact that some NGO activists, religious brokers, ex-government officials and professionals first create the anti-corruption agitation, and the country's whole left-right intelligentsia and the media becomes united in its favor and propaganda. A new party of 'aam admi' emerged from the 'ashes' of the movement, which brings the RSS/BJP and the socialists/communists together! This is corporate capitalism's own political party which now flexes its muscles to put the Congress on knees! In such a situation, it is almost impossible to make way for the politics that directly opposes corporate capitalism, which is the second name of neo-imperialism, through elections.

But in spite of this reality seeped in pessimism, the election remains the only basis where the positive avenues for change can be explored. For this purpose, I wrote an essay titled 'Lok Sabha Elections 2019 A Perspective for Opposition Unity' in June last year. In view of the formation of a formidable coalition of the opposition, the essay was written in some detail. In Hindi, it was published in the and in English in the 'Counter Current', 'Mainstream Weekly', 'Janata Weekly' and in some other online and printed journals. While presenting the multi-dimensional role of elections in our democracy, mainly four suggestions were made in the essay : A national coalition, apart from BJP and Congress, comprising third force political parties and the Left parties should be formed under the name of National Front for Social Justice; One of the leaders of the opposition parties should lead that coalition at the national level; the Congress should support the National Front government, if formed, for five years from outside; and intellectuals of the country should play a proactive role in the formation, realization and success of the National Front. These four things could not be materialized. The Lok Sabha elections have been announced and the first phase voting will be held on 11 April 2019. In this case, the writing of the second part of the essay may not be justified. But in the context of the miscellaneous election-alliances and the strategies chalked out by the opposition, a little discussion can be followed.

It is clear that neither the proposed 'National Front for Social Judicial' nor the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) exists in the field to fight the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). Phrases like Maha Gathbandhan are heard, but in comparison to the NDA, the opposition, including the Congress, has formed only state-wise miscellaneous alliances. Whatever the strength and limitations of these alliances in the elections, speculations have started arising regarding their credibility and stability post the elections. It is believed that whatever the miscellaneous alliances have come into existence, their character is unreliable and will not endure. Some parties/leaders involved in these alliances may align with the NDA in the event of BJP's edge in the elections. Modi, who runs an alliance of around 35 parties, calls opposition alliances - 'Mahamilavata'! The Congress also accuses the alliances other than its own, of creating a situation of instability.

However the situation could have been altogether different from the present one. The recent assembly elections of five states were termed as the semi-finals to the Lok Sabha elections. In those elections, the Congress formed governments in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh by defeating the BJP. It can be noted that this victory of the Congress happened due to the peasants' agitation. On 5 June 2017, six farmers were killed in police firing in Mandsaur town of Madhya Pradesh. The incident triggered a spontaneous peasants' agitation in the state. All India Kisan Sangharsh Samiti was formed to organize the movement. Aligning with the ongoing peasant movements in other states including Maharashtra, the movement triggered from Mandsaur incident, reached Delhi. The Congress did not have any role in that movement. But it reaped the benefits and won the election in three states.

After the BJP's defeat in five states, it should have been obvious for the opposition to effectively sustain and maintain the movement till the Lok Sabha elections by linking the upsurge of the peasants' movement with the labor movement, student-youth movement and the movement of the small traders. The truth of the Modi government's anti-farmer-laborer-youth-small traders policies should have been constantly kept alive in the public domain. With this, the solid issues such as the decision of demonetization that broke the backbone of country's economy, unprecedented inflation and unemployment, failure of law and order, loot by the monopoly houses, aiding economic offenders to flee the country, scam in the Rafale deal, selling of the public assets-institutions-units to the private hands, destroying the constitutional and democratic institutions should have been issues of persistent discussions. If this would have happened the BJP and Modi would have found it difficult to bounce back riding on emotional issues. But the opposition could not prepare its own pitch. They mostly played on Modi's pitch. The Congress decided to legitimize RSS/BJP's communal politics by deciding to itself do the politics of the caste and religion.

The opposition did not show maturity as far as the Lok Sabha elections are concerned. The communal fascism is at its peak in Modi-Shah rule; Amit Shah has declared that they are there to hold on power for the next 50 years. And after this Lok Sabha election, there will never be elections in the country as one of the BJP leaders has threatened. The possibility of no further election can arise only when the people of the country get totally disillusioned with the electoral process. Today's RSS/BJP will like it to happen and will not leave any stone unturned in that direction. Therefore, preserving the sanctity and dignity of the election process becomes the sole responsibility of the opposition. But it seems that most of the opposition, including the Congress, has decided to demolish whatever dignity of elections is remained instead of taking the task seriously. The practice of procurement of tickets and launching of candidates from criminals to celebrities in the elections is going on rampantly. This whole corrupt practice is not hidden from the watchful eyes of the public. Of course, the opposition is not concerned about breaking the confidence of the public in the election process.

Let consider the role of intellectuals in this regard. The essay mentioned above ends with these lines: "The intellectuals and activists of the country, who are worried about the basic values of the Constitution - socialism, secularism and democracy - and the erosion of constitutional institutions, should play a positive role in the formation and acceptance of the National Front. In India, leaders have often inspired intellectuals and artists. Now it is a turn of the intellectuals, artists and conscious representatives of the civil society to extend their guidance and co-operation to the leaders in the times of crisis."  In spite of being the most vocal opponents of fascism, the intellectuals could not play a meaningful role in the direction of opposition unity. They are more interested in securing benefits in the non-BJP governments, but do not want to criticize the leaders in the interest of socialism, secularism and democracy. In common parlance, the (mis)use of religion for politics is called communalism. Such intellectuals have gone to the extent of describing and praising Rahul Gandhi's politics of religion and brahmanatva to be different from the RSS/BJP. They even shamelessly argued that Rahul Gandhi's politics of religion is good for the country. The remaining intellectuals found it prudent (for their self-interests) to observe silence on this matter. This is one example. Actually, the RSS/BJP's Hindu-Rashtra is envisioned in the thieves' market of secularism!

In conclusion, it can be said that in the present Lok Sabha elections there is ample discontent in the people against the Modi government, but even the opposition and the intellectual have grossly failed in fulfilling their responsibilities. Whatever the case, elections, like politics, are also a game of possibilities. It would be interesting to see if in spite of all the constraints of the corporate-communal nexus and media's support to it, voters overthrow the existing anti-constitutional government. It may also happen that the fruits of defeat of the government are reaped by the third force, and not the Congress. In such a situation, the leaders of the third force should seriously consider their historic role in handling the country's power for the next five years. If it doesn’t become a reality this time, then strong attempts towards its realization should be made for the Lok Sabha elections of 2024.

The preceding observations should not be taken to mean that the politics of opposing neo-liberal/neo-imperial forces should be stopped. Rather, it should persevere despite all the obstacles and it will go on to be realized one day. It would be akin to the Struggle for Independence, which despite all the repression by the colonialists and the complicity of some countrymen, inevitably went on and succeeded.

(The author teaches Hindi at Delhi University and is president of Socialist Party.)

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

लोकसभा चुनाव 2019: सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा की अपील

लोकसभा चुनाव 2019: सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा की अपील

सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा देश भर में फैले अपने कार्यकर्ताओं और युवाओं से अपील करती है, कि शासन के हर मोर्चे पर नाकाम रही केंद्र की मौजूदा नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार के खिलाफ अपने मताधिकार का इस्तेमाल करें। संगठन ये मानता है कि देश में अभी सबसे बड़ा संकट संविधान और संवैधानिक संस्थाओं को बचाने की है, जिसपर मौजूदा सरकार ने 5 साल लगातार हमला किया है। मोदी सरकार का मकसद इस देश के प्रशासनिक ढांचे की बुनियाद पर हमला करना है, जिससे न्यायपालिका और चुनाव आयोग जैसी संस्थाएं भी नहीं बच पाई हैं। ये वक्त इस देश के दलितों, पिछड़ों, और महिलाओं को मुख्यधारा से काटने की साजिश में लगी सरकार को सबक सिखाने का है। ये चुनाव हमारे शासन तंत्र में अल्पसंख्यकों के भरोसे को पुनर्स्थापित करने का एक मौका है। हिंदुस्तान के अमन और भाईचारे पर ग्रहण की तरह लगे मोदी सरकार को हटाने का ये चुनाव सुनहरा मौका है। हमारा मत सत्ता के अहंकार में बेरोजगार युवाओं को पकौड़े तलवाने जैसे जुमलेबाजों को हराने के लिए है।  हमारा वोट आरक्षण के अधिकार पर कुंडली मारकर बैठे संघियों और 85 फीसदी आबादी के हक़ को डकारने का इरादा रखने वाली मनुवादियों को शिकस्त देने के लिए है। 

ये चुनाव नरेंद्र मोदी और भारतीय जनता पार्टी द्वारा 2014 में किए गए झूठे वादे को लेकर सवाल करने का है। हमें केंद्र सरकार से हिसाब करना है, कि क्या 5 साल में 100 स्मार्ट सिटी तैयार हो गई, क्या हर साल 2 करोड़ युवाओं को रोजगार मिला, क्या गंगा साफ हो गई, क्या कालाधन वापस आया और क्यों भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ मोदी सरकार हाथ पर हाथ धरे बैठी रही। हमें सरकार से पूछना है कि क्यों मोदी सरकार में लगातार किसानों की उपेक्षा हुई, क्यों मजदूर हितों की अनदेखी की गई। क्यों लगातार देश के किसान अलग-अलग हिस्सों में आंदोलनरत रहे।   

चुनाव की बाध्यता के तहत सभी राजनीतिक दलों ने अपने चुनावी घोषणापत्र जारी कर दिए हैं। लेकिन किसी भी पार्टी ने देश में अमीरी-ग़रीबी की बढ़ती खाई को पाटने और समतामूलक समाज की स्थापना के लिए कुछ भी नहीं कहा है। देश की राजनीति और संविधान पर रोज हो रहे उदारवाद के हमले को रोकने कि लिए कुछ नहीं कहा है। किसी भी राजनीतिक दल ने देश के भविष्य युवाओं की शिक्षा और उनके रोजगार के लिए बड़े बदलाव का विज़न नहीं दिखाया है। किसी ने भी किसानों के हित के लिए बुनियादी बदलाव का कोई भी दृष्टिकोण नहीं रखा। किसी भी पार्टी ने गांधी के आखिरी आदमी की बात नहीं की है। किसी ने डॉ लोहिया के सपनों को साकार करने का विचार सामने नहीं रखा है। ना किसी ने शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता को सुधारने की बात की है और ना ही किसी पार्टी ने रोजगार के अवसर बढ़ाने की बात की है। तथाकथिक सेकुलर राजनीति की बात करने वाली पार्टियों ने भी सच्चर कमेटी रिपोर्ट की सिफारिशों को लागू करने की बात को अपने घोषणापत्र में जगह नहीं दी है। ऐसे में हमें सोच-समझकर अपने वोटिंग के अधिकार का इस्तेमाल करना है।

हमें अपने मताधिकार के जरिये इस देश के शिक्षण संस्थाओं की गुणवत्ता को बरकरार रखना है। हमें वोट देकर मॉब लिचिंग की घटनाओं को बयानों से बढ़ावा देने वाली सरकार के नुमाइंदो को हटाना है। हमें गौरक्षा के नाम पर तैयार हो रही हिंसक भीड़ से लोगों की हिफाजत करनी है। हमें धर्म के नाम पर समाज में दरार डालने वाली शक्तियों को कमजोर करना है। 

देश में जिन सीटों पर सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) और पार्टी द्वारा समर्थित उम्मीदवार चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं, वहां हमें पूरी ताक़त से उन्हें मजबूत करना है। इन सीटों पर हमारा एक-एक वोट केंद्र की तानाशाही और फासीवादी सरकार को कमजोर कर सकता है। इसके अलावा जिन सीटों पर हमारे समर्थन से कोई उम्मीदवार मैदान में नहीं है, वहां वैकल्पिक राजनीति की वाहक, संघर्षशील, धर्मनिरपेक्ष और पूंजीवादी राजनीति का प्रतिरोध करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को हमें समर्थन करना है। सभी वैसे उम्मीदवार जो पूरे 5 साल तक समाजवाद के मूल्यों में असली आस्था रखकर नागरिक अधिकारों के लिए लड़कर सत्ता से टकराते रहे उन्हें हमारा समर्थन है।

अंत में सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा के कार्यकर्ता और साथी समता और भाईचारा स्थापित करने के मकसद को कामयाब बनाने के लिए इस चुनाव में पूरी ताक़त लगाएं। 

नीरज कुमार 
अध्यक्ष, सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा 

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Appeal to Youths of India for Parliament Elections 2019

Dear all the Youths of our nation,

            India is standing on a cliff where on one side lies India, which believes in secularism, democracy, freedom of expression, plurality of our culture, human values, morality and ethical values in life, belief in compassion, humanity , nonviolence, unity with diversity and  equality, faith in scientific temperament and rationality. On the other side down the cliff is India divided in pieces under the name of religion, rule of religious fanaticism and fascism, where handful of elite rich and powerful  run the nation keeping rest under reign of terror. Time has come to decisively decide which way to go, down the cliff or away from the fall? Last five years of Modi Government and his HindutvaParivar have brought our whole nation to the brink of disaster. It is not only a political disaster but it is a social, cultural and economic disaster. Time has come to throw away the people who have ruined our country in just five years and are dreaming to continue so that they can fulfill their century’s long dream of Hindurashtra, whose constitution will be Manusmruti and not the constitution given to us by DrBabasahebAmbedkar. These people are history shitters, born liars and humanity haters. Their DNA is made of chromosomes of hatred and their blood has violence flowing in their arteries. In reality they are the cowards who never fought against British rule, rather helped them, these are the people who propagated two nation theory and helped British for partition and cleverly conspired to pass on the blame to Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Their divisive mentality has started alienating Kashmir and North East from rest of our country.
            With the same tactics, lies, fake news, spreading rumors, unashamedly using social and electronic media and killing thousands of Muslims in Gujarat riots, Modiji remained in power in Gujrat and ultimately marched to Delhi. He shamelessly used money backing from people like Adani and Ambani and returned favors in multiples to these Crony Capitalists. Economy of India is sabotaged by handful of capitalists and majority of people are facing unprecedented poverty, sky rocketing inflation and historical unemployment. India is Nation of Youths, comprising 65% of population. Every year 1.2 crore jobless youths are coming to the markets, out of which many are well educated.  Amit Shah was not hesitant to make mockery of these youths when he told jobless youths to sale Pakodas. Modiji’s promise of providing 2 crore jobs every year has turned out to be a big sham like many of his schemes, to name a few Start up India, Skill India, Digital India, Smart Cities etc.Modi government did outright privatization of education making it impossible for crores of Indians, he crushed all the student movements and strangled their voices.  Instead of providing education and jobs Modiji has used all unfair means to brainwash our youths and poison their minds with communalism and false nationalism. He and his coterie has least regard for democracy, minorities, women, freedom of expression, truth and above all our soldiers. Whenever BJP faced important election nation faced terrorist attack and our soldiers were to defend, sacrificing their lives. Modiji has blatantly used our armed forces for his political gains. And what did he say at Surat? He said merchants are braver than our soldiers! Adityanathsaid our Army is ModiSena!! Nobody has insulted our army to this extent.
            HindutvaParivar always came to the rescue of Modiji whenever he was in trouble, by inflating sentiments of people sometimes by using Goraksha- Gohatya, sometimes He Ram and Haram, sometimes Deshdroh and Deshprem.  Under these pretexts they terrorized minorities and killed many. BJP has destroyed Agriculture based economy much more than Congress.
            Time has come to defeat fascist rule under Modiji. If we fail this time then probably time will never come and history will never pardon us. Politically only Socialist Ideology has strength to counter ideology of RSS and BJP, two sides of the same coin. Unfortunately socialists are politically not united and Third Front is not in the picture. BJP is tactically turning our Parliamentary Democracy into Presidential one by posing Modi as the ultimate choice. RSS may have more militant leader in their mind like for example Yogi Aditya. Any choice is dangerous andany non BJP alternative will be relief. In Parliamentary Democracyleader is elected by elected members of the largest party or front.
            So I appeal to all Youths of our nation to actively participate in the forthcoming elections with single aim of defeating BJP by working and voting for possible winning candidate against communal forces. Congress is the largest party fighting against BJP. Many times we have considered it as another side of BJP coin. But time has come to shed our mentality of untouchability for Congress. Three years back our great visionary leader and founder of Socialist Party Late Bhai Vaidya had appealed that all non BJP political forces, including Congress should come together to defeat communal forces. Of course there can be constituencies where candidates from many other parties may have chances of winning aginst BJP.  Our choice will be those parties.

Let us defeat not only Modi, but entire HindutvawadiParivar, Manuvadiface of fascism,communlismand capitalism!

Youths are the fate of our nation and fate of our nation is in the hands of Youths !

Thanks and salute,

Yours Sathi,

Ex National President
Socialist Yuvjan Sabha (SYS)

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