Friday, 17 June 2011
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Press Release
Socialist Party (India)
Central Office
3-4-514/8 Chandraiah Building, Bagh Lingampally Road, Barakatpura
Hyderabad – 50027 Phone: 040-27425795
Delhi Office
270-A, Patpar Ganj Mayur Vihar Phase – 1, Delhi - 110091
Phone: 011-22756203 Email:
10 June, 2011
Press Release
Socialist Party (India) is formed to fight the neo-liberal onslaught on Indian economy, polity and culture and to establish the socialist order.
Democratic Socialism came up in the debate all over the world due to two events. After the disintegration of Soviet Russia the communist parties in many European countries transform themselves as democratic parties and after the buble economy in the USA who busted up along with the taking over of the Lehman Bank money started thinking about socialism. Unfortunately there was no socialist party in India as the Socialist Party, an independent incarnation of the Congress Socialist Party (CSP) formed in 1934 within the Congress, founded by J.P., Acharya Narendra Dev, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia immediately after the independence had merged itself into the Janata Party in 1977.
The efforts of reviving the Socialist Party started after the disintegration of the Janata Party, however it got boost with the Indian Socialist Meet held in Pune in 2002. The task of revival of the Socialist Party was entrusted to Surendra Mohan in the auspices of the Socialist Front. It took almost 8 years to take a final decision in this direction. In June 2010, it was finally decided, again in Pune, that the Socialist Party will be formed without further delay. Shri Surendra Mohan along with Panna Lal Surana tried very hard to bring together various socialist outfits till his untimely and unfortunate death. After a year-long deliberations undertaken through a series of meetings held in different cities of the country, several socialist groups and individuals met in a two-day foundation conference held in Hyderabad on 28-29 May 2011and formed the Socialist Party (India) to carry forward the legacy of Acharya Narendra Dev, J. P., Lohia, S. M. Joshi, Yusuf Meharally, Kishan Patnaik and other genuine socialist leaders and thinkers. Around 600 delegates from 19 states were present in the conference. Veteran journalist and writer Kuldip Nayar and Justice Rajinder Sachar were also there to bless the occasion.
The conference elected the following office bearers of the party: President - Bhai Vaidya, General Secretary and spokesperson - Dr. Prem Singh, Treasurer - Jayanti Bhai Panchal, General Secretary - Nurul Amin, General Secretary - Onkar Singh and 28 national executive members including Panna Lal Surana, Ptof. Keshavrao Jadhav, Dr. Sanmath Nath Ghosh, Sandeep Pandey, Balwan Singh Kheda, Shiva Tripathi and Sunita Bakshi. Sandip Pandey and Prof. Keshav Jadhav will be the Vice Presidents and Panna Lal Surana Chairman, Parliamentary Committee of the party.
A Coordination Committee, having Panna Lal Surana as its Convener and Lingraj, President, Samajwadi Jan Parishad, as member was formed to approach other radical socialist groups and individuals for joint actions and programs. Socialist Janata Party President Smt. Manju Mohan, and Loktantrik Samajwadi Party President Raghu Thakur have also given their consent to join the Coordination Committee.
Though there are plethora of the political parties in India most of them including the Congress, the BJP and the regional parties are unfortunately committed to not only the market based education, health, mass media and even culture. The Western industrial model is being trusted upon the agriculture country like India at the cost of suicides of 2,50,000 peasants, malnutrition of millions of children and growing unemployment and disparity. The corporate sector is allowed to plunder jal-jungle -jamin and minerals at the cost of displacement of millions of adivasis. Globalization of investment and corporate-led so-called development is plying havoc in India during last two decades. Rs. 5000 crore family residence of Ambani is the glaring evidence of the concentration of the wealth of India vis-a-vis abysmal depth of growing poverty. India is on the top of the world in hiding black money which has out-spade the national income. The menace of globalization and neo-liberal policies has to be fought out on all fronts. The Socialist Party (India) is committed to challenge this onslaught of capitalists-led destructive policies.
The following policies are the distinguishing features of the Socialist Party (India)
(1) The party opposes the forced Western industrial model upon Indian peasants and pledges to develop agro-industrial model to benefit farmers.
(2) The party adopts the objective the full employments to give every able hand a means of livelihood.
(3) Complete education from KG to PG be free, equal and qualitative. The party will oppose market based profit making education system.
(4) Health service is the right of every Indian and the state must spend enough on health.
(5) India must have national wage policy.
(6) Party is opposed to nuclear armaments and energy and it would pursue the policy of alternative energy development.
(7) The villages have the environments right s of jal-jangle-jamin and minerals
(8) The nomads of India have right of habitate.
(9) The party would strive to establish new common man oriented political culture with the help of elections reforms by abolishing money-muscle power and caste communal influence.
(10) Annihilation of caste system is the prominent objective of the party.
(11) The comprehensive social security for the unorganized section should be implemented urgently.
(12) The party will launch a struggle for food security.
(13 The party will mobilize public opinion for the Woman Reservation Bill.
(14 The recommendations of the Sachar Committee would be supported by the party.
(15 The party will support well-meaning civil society agitations against corruption but believes that the menace can only be removed by replacing the neo-liberal policies and development model.
The party is committed to the new Indian social culture devoid of selfishness,consumerism and based on humanity, efficiency and work culture.
For further details the policy document is attached.
Bhai Vaidya
Dr. Prem Singh
General Secretary and Spokesman
Mobile: 9873276726
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Bhai Vaidya with Justice sachar,Omkar Singh,J.S.Valiya in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Dr.Prem Singh,Balwan Singh Kheda,Bhai Vaidya,Justice sachar,J.S.Walia in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Dr.A.K.Arun,Bhai Vaidya in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Bhai Vaidya,Dvijendra Kaliya,Dr.Prem Singh,Mahendra Yadav in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Bhai Vaidya,Dvijendra Kaliya,Dr.Prem Singh in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Bhai Vaidya,,Dvijendra Kaliya,Dr.Prem Singh in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Dr.Prem Singh in Press Conference Press Club Of India,Delhi,10/06/2011 |
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Bhai Vaidya in Press Conference Press Club Of India,Delhi,10/06/2011 |
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Bhai Vaidya and Dr.Prem Singh in Press Conference Press Club Of India,Delhi,10/06/2011 |
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Dr.Prem Singh in Press Conference Press Club Of India,Delhi,10/06/2011 |
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Justice sachar in Press Conference Press Club Of India,Delhi,10/06/2011 |
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Bhai Vaidya and Justice Sachar in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
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Bhai Vaidya and Niraj singh in Delhi office 09/06/011 office inaugration day |
The formation of the Socialist Party is a welcome decision
Rajinder Sachar
The comrades of Socialist Front have decided to form Socialist Party (India) deriving its inspiration from philosophy, ideology and movement of the Socialist Party formed by socialist stalwarts like Acharya Narendra Dev, J.P., Dr. Lohia, Yusuf Meharally and others.
Till 1990s, the political scene in the country made citizens believe to that there can be only two National Parties, Congress and B.J.P.-Janta combine. People therefore looked askance at every other individual and party formation vis-a-vis the election scenario. People in their helplessness, tho ugh appreciating the ideology and genuineness of the Socialist Front and ideologically similar parties, ruled them out of electoral contest on the self interest stand of their not being effective, not only at political level but even day to day help in their daily activity of small earning requirements. But public had a self guilt in not coming to stand of these people who were genuinely working for them in trade unions, peasants and in movements to prevent displacement of peoples. But they always regretted that though appreciating the social work of these groups in the masses, they could not help them electorally. Of course, this did not in any manner weaken the resolve of Socialist Front to carry on their work amongst the masses, and participate to lead peoples' movements against the onslaught on peoples' rights, their struggle against globalization, the movements to prevent mass pauperization of the farmers by their illegal eviction, policies to benefit the rich corporate industry by giving them gifts of land in the name of special economic zones resulting in thousands of crores of loss to the nation resulting in ruination of agriculture sector and suicides by farmers on a large scale.
This has resulted in GDP of agriculture segment to be 6% from the already low ratio of 16% a decade back. The result is that there is horrible unacceptable gap between the top 10% and the rest of the population. Whatever the pronouncements of the present government, it cannot be denied that poverty level of 77% of population not even able to spend Rs. 20 per day should be a nightmarish thought for any government. The so called middle class resurgence is a deception. According to Asian Bank only 10% of population has the capacity to spend between Rs. 99 and 990 per day i.e. Rs. 3000/- to 30,000/- p.m., the percentage which can spend the higher slab is hardly 00.4% of the Indian population; can such insulting situation where the percentage of poor of India at present exceeds that of the whole population of India pre August 1947. Such a demoralizing of state of the nation requires a combination of determined person committed to the poor of the country so as to bring to fruition the dreams of the Socialist Party of J.P. and Dr. Lohia and the clarian call of Gandhiji in 1947 clearly stating his concept of Independent India. Gandhi was troubled even at the inception of independence to see the unfortunate direction the policies of free India were leading her to. He had then uttered a strong warning and a message for those who were committed to the welfare of the country in these words:
“Economic equality is the master-key to non-violent independence. Working for economic equality means abolishing the eternal conflict between capital and labour. It means the leveling down of the few rich in whose hands is concentrated the bulk of the nation’s wealth on the one hand, and leveling up of the semi-starved naked millions on the other. A non-violent system of government is clearly an impossibility so long as the wide gulf between the rich and the hungry millions persists…..”
The socialist Party (India) in all humility would work to redeem the dream of Gandhiji which also bemoaned where the country was moving in the very first months of Independence. He warned, “Today there is gross economic inequality. The basis of socialism is economic equality. There can be no Ram Raj in the present state of iniquitous inequalities in which, only a few roll in riches, while the masses do not get even enough to eat. I accepted the theory of socialism, even while I was in South Africa. When the panchayat raj is established, public opinion will do, what violence can never do. The present power of the zamindars, the capitalists and the rajas can hold sway, only so long as the common people do not realize their own strength. If the people non-cooperate with the evil of zamindari or capitalism, it must die of inanition. In panchayat raj only the panchayat will be obeyed and the panchayat can only work through the law of their making."
Similar stirring reminder of Netaji Subhas Bose needs to be reiterated wherein he said, “Freedom implies not only emancipation from political bondage but also equal distribution of wealth, abolition of caste barriers and social inequities, and destruction of communalism and religious intolerance.”
The globalization has led to the downing of the economy of the world. Even in the West the cradle of capitalism is forced to admit, as Michael Porter has admitted that in the aftermath of US recession, the biggest issue falling the corporate world is the loss of reputation. Business is seen to be profiling at the expense of people and community which is why business has lost its reputation.
The country is sitting on Powder kig. The patience of the deprived and poor cannot be just wished away. Though the poor in our country have enormous forbearance, I believe that even their proverbial patience has been breached. And why not on the one hand you have our media proudly announced a few names who are included in Forbs fortune list of Billionaires in our country but heartless and conveniently ignoring the real face of Bharat, i.e. India.
We have the highest number of malnourished people and malnourished children (43% of India’s children under 5 are underweight – that is, with BMI lower than 18.5 – the highest in the world) as of 2008. In fact almost simultaneously with the Credit Suisse report, another one by the International Food Policy Research Institute placed our country far behind Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan in terms of people-children in particular – suffering from hunger and under nutrition. With these three countries placed in the 39th, 56th and 52nd positions and China miles ahead with the 9th place in the world, India occupies the 67th position.
The Gini coefficient of income inequality (a statistical measure where zero denotes complete equality and one denotes absolute inequality) in India comes to a high 0.535. Inequality of opportunity – which is more important in determining a country’s future growth trajectory and which depends mostly on distribution of land as well as access to education, health, stable employment etc. – is even more pronounced.
The extremely skewed land ownership in our country is well-known, but few people know that India’s educational inequality is one of the worst in the world. According to World Bank estimates, the Gini coefficient of the distribution of adult schooling years in the population, a rough measure of educational inequality, was 0.56 in India in 1998/2000, which is not just higher than 0.37 in China and 0.39 in Brazil but even higher than almost all Latin American countries.
Now add to these figures the where-withal of economic growth: large-scale displacement, land grab, resource loot and onslaughts like UAPA and Operation Green Hunt. What you get is the moral of the whole story - in the neo-liberal model - growth in GDP and ‘national’ wealth has to be inversely proportional to real development and democracy.
According to a recent report on global wealth by investment bank Credit Suisse, total wealth in India has tripled over the past decade to $3.5 trillion (this is a general trend in emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region: Indonesia’s wealth for example has grown five-fold over the same period) and could further increase to $6.4 trillion by 2015. Given the hardly reassuring state of Indian and world economies, will the forecast come true? More pertinently, assuming it does, will that bring India any nearer the UN Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015?
Such apprehension arises in view of a number of very disturbing facts and trends. The hallowed wealth increase occurred almost exclusively among the uppermost and higher-middle layers of population and much of it in stock market operations, where only around 5% of Indians participate. Not surprisingly, at least 200,000 peasants committed suicide around the same time as India became the nation with the second highest number of dollar billionaires, and the yearly food intake of an average poor. But a government survey reveals that just 18% house-holds in rural India have access to basic amenities – drinking water, sanitation and electricity. Urban areas enjoy these facilities in 68% households.
NSSO survey highlights that a vast majority in rural India still lack basic civic amenities. Around 65% of rural households have no sanitation facility, while the corresponding figure for urban areas is 11%, according to the survey. In rural India, social groups like STs (75%), SCs (76%) and OBCs (69%) don’t have sanitation facility in their households. The NSSO study – Housing Condition and Amenities in India 2008-09 – points out that around 64% of rural households don’t have a bathroom as compared to 22% in urban areas. The disconnect of policy-makers is evident as the Planning Commission is pushing hard to levy user charges on water at a time only 30% of rural population have access to safe drinking water and 55 % depend on tube well or hand pumps, says the survey. Montek Singh Ahluwalia said rationing of water is required to bring in efficiency in the judicious use of the resource. He says, “By water rationing, I don’t mean that less water should be supplied. We can price water so that people can use it as per their requirement”.
According to one estimate black money accounts for approximately 40 per cent of the GDP. According to the Economic Times the amount of Rs. 1.76 lakh crore, estimated by the CAG as loss from the 2G scam is more than thrice the Centre’s education budget of Rs. 49.904 crore, it is nearly seven times the health budget of Rs. 25.154 crore, and nearly fifty per cent more than the Centre’s total subsidy bill, including those on food, fuel and fertilizer, which is budgeted at Rs. 1.16 lakh crore.
Globalization, the tale-sum of present governments, is a certain recipe for disaster for million of our countrymen. But this Human right most touted claim by the propagandists of globalization that it will accelerate progress in developing countries is belied by UNDP’s Tenth Human Development Report of 1999, which says that ‘Market dominated globalization has led to growing marginalization of poor nations and people, growing human insecurity and growing unequal with benefits accruing almost solely to the richest people and countries and that the global gap between the haves and have-nots is widening. HDR 1999 has commented tersely “the benefits of globalization in the past decade have been so unevenly shared that the very word has come to acquire in certain quarters a pejorative tinge”. The present situation must cause concern to all Human right activists.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau, as many as 17,368 farmers killed themselves in 2009. This is an increase of 1,172 over the 2008 count. Further divided, it comes to roughly 50 people per day. A study on the agrarian crisis, conducted by the Joshi-Adhikari Institute of Social Studies at New Delhi, says that farm income, even if the earnings from the livestock were added, is “insufficient to meet cultivation cost and consumption needs”.
As against an average 7 per cent growth of India’s economy in the last decade agriculture registered only 1.6 per cent. In fact, the agriculture growth in the country has now stagnated for more than 15 years. In the 80s, it was 3.3 per cent, in the 90s it came down to two per cent and now it has slipped down further to 0.4 per cent. The steering committee on agriculture for the formulation of 11th Five Years Plan has admitted that after independence such a drop in the agriculture output has been “witnessed for the first time.” The result of decline is that per capita availability of food grains in 2011 as to the level attained in the 50s. Calories intake has gone down from 2153 (1993-94) to 2047 (2004-05)in rural India and from 2071(1993-94) to 2026(2004-05).
On food front the situation is even more alarming:
1,50,000 Tones grain rotting, 1.37 Lakh tones lying in open, 27.38 Lakh tones in Pb., 18.90 Lakh tones wafted under Poly chin.
A Oxford report says, food grain availability is less than that 20 years ago. In view of the above, I sincerely hope and appeal to all socialist comrades to join and strengthen the SPI.
Socialist Party (India) (Policy Statement at a glance)
After the merger of the Socialist Party into the Janata Party in 1977, the question whether an independent Socialist Party ought to be re-established in the country has been raised intermittently, particularly after the fall of the Janata Party Government in 1979. The question was often sought to be answered by suggesting that some of the later political formations which emerged in the subsequent years, such as the Janata Dal, could perform the role of a socialist party. For some time many of our comrades and activists have found from their experience that there is no alternative to the re-establishment of the Socialist Party.
As Socialists we have been critical of the workings of world capitalism and of world communism. The recent global recession and the so-called stimuli that had to be administered by advanced capitalist and other nations to revive those economies, was an object lesson for those who trumpeted the theory of unfettered free enterprise and provided, once again, a vindication of the socialist democratic understanding of the workings of the economic system.
We were also critically aware of the political and economic shortcomings of the regimes that had existed under the Soviet ambit. The fall of the Soviet Union in December 1991 therefore was not, to us, a matter for surprise. It would be futile to deny though that the fall-out of this event did affect the credibility not only of the communist but also of the socialist way of thinking across the world. If it did not actually throw Indian socialists into ideological disarray, it was because we in India fortunately had our own vast political heritage to draw upon, and had developed our own ideological understanding over decades of struggle. This is not to suggest that there was no disarray among our ranks. But the causes of this were mainly, even if not wholly, organizational and rooted within our own country rather than induced by political developments elsewhere, howsoever traumatic these developments might have been to the communist and socialist legacies in some parts of the world. It was nevertheless imperative to re-establish a Socialist Party also for the reason that the international crisis in socialism required rethinking of certain solutions and it is best that this rethinking is, in the first instance, done collectively by those who are conscious of the positive achievements of socialism.
It was natural that some years of hard re-thinking and multiple attempts at organizational re-grouping at local, state and national levels should have preceded the re-emergence of the Socialist Party that is now taking place. The image that comes to mind is naturally that of the Congress Socialist Party in 1934 and its post-independence separation from the Congress in 1947-48, thus inheriting both the highest aspirations of our national struggle for independence and the role, after 1947, of the conscience keeper of the people of India . It is the need for the re-emergence of that formation and that tradition that has been beckoning to us.
That emergence can now no longer be postponed. One-third of a century has passed since the time when the Socialist Party, in an act of faith, obliterated itself into the Janata Party in 1977. It was hoped that 1977 would prove a new beginning not only for the country but also for all the groups that had then come together. It was hoped that the democratic and economic rights of all sections of the people would find recognition, expression and realization. It was hoped that the sectarian ideologies of some the groups that had joined hands with us would gave way to a wider understanding of the nation and its real ground struggles for existence, basic needs and development. The assumptions behind that act of faith have by and large been belied. In fact, the one-third of a century that has passed since that Socialist leap of faith has seen the rise of religious sectarianism in India . Some groups have adopted the tactic of engaging people in a debate over secularism while launching the actual ground attack on patriotic humanitarianism and produced an anti-cultural version of religion in politics. There has not yet been an adequate, effective or sufficient response to this tendency from any existing political formation. There has also been an abdication on the part of the state of its duty to bring home to those responsible, the legal consequences and criminal liability of these activities.
The period of eclipse of socialists during one-third of a century has also seen incursions on the land rights of India ’s tribal and forest people. The struggle for the elimination and annihilation of caste has also, during this period, appeared to lose its way. In some parts of India this period of the Socialist Party’s eclipse has seen the rise of caste-based groupings which have started dictating the terms of social life and having the effrontery to take into their own hands matters of crime and punishment while mocking justice and the Constitution of India. These groups have risen in direct proportion as the social revolutionary edge of the Indian national movement was allowed to languish. With the eclipse of the Socialist Party there was no political formation that could uphold the social revolutionary aspect of our national struggle, thus leaving the field free for the reactionary and obscurantist elements in our national life to raise their head.
The period of the Socialist Party’s eclipse also removed from the scene a major force compelling the state to pay attention to the need to provide adequately, fully and universally for the basic needs of our people, their education and their health. The Social Party will make food and nutrition security as well as health the testing stone of economic and infrastructure development policies.
The Socialist Party (India ) is now a reality once again. The Socialist Party (India ) is opposed to policy of globalization being followed by the government. The Socialist Party will provide a platform to all those who seek to expand the rights of the people and who wish to do battle against anti-humanitarianism and sectarianism of any hue. The party would seek to protect the interests of the people in the changing economic scenario.
The Socialist Party (India ) will be a party of all the deprived population of the country. The Socialist Party will treat as its special trust the need to attend to the problems of the deprived sections of the people, especially those of dalits and tribals and religious and linguistic minorities. It shall take steps to protect and restore the land rights of the tribal people and the right to life, liberty, education, health and development of all those who have been neglected or exploited in the relentless pursuit of globalization. In this pursuit the Socialist Party (India ) will be guided by the Antyodaya principle that is the progress and well-being of the last person. While it would not wish India to lag behind in technological prowess, it would seek to ensure that such technological and energy policies are adopted as are best suited for the well-being of the poorest in the land. Similarly, it will seek quality education for all by the state on the basis of common and neighborhood school system. The Socialist Party (India ) will set to itself the goal of immediate elimination of child labour and the provision of India ’s labouring children to schools in a time-bound manner and will associate itself with campaigns to achieve that end.
The Socialist Party (India ) will strive for friendly relations with all countries and will continue its tradition of close contacts with India ’s neighbours. It will strive and try for a strong platform of South Asian countries both economically and on international plane. It will work with immediacy to see that injustice depriving the people of Palestine to have their home land and independent state is undone and their legitimate goal is immediately achieved. It will strive for a world without international overlords and a world sharing for mutual benefit the fruits of international development. It will struggle against anti-humanitarian ideologies and will extend its sympathy to oppressed people everywhere in the world. It will encourage solutions founded in accommodation and togetherness; it will recognize and respect differences but not encourage the building of walls along real or assumed fault lines.
The Socialist Party (India ) will launch a campaign to eradicate corruption from India ’s national life. It will also subject itself to public audit and the party’s accounts will be available for public inspection. It will establish grievance committees at every level with power to entertain complaints from any citizen regardless of whether such citizen is a member of the party. The Socialist Party will hold regular elections and there will be periodic rotation of its senior office-bearers.
In this quest the Socialist Party (India ) is hereby humbly place itself before the public of India and hopes for a dispassionate and critical support.
Socialist Party (India )
3-4-514-8 Chandraiah Building
Bag Lingampally Road , Barakatpura
Telephone: 27425795
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