Friday, April
10, 2015
Rajindar Sachar
Modi's jibe at judiciary
The criticism of judicial activism is untenable
Prime Minister Modi’s
gratuitous comment about the judiciary being influenced by five-star activists
was a cheap joke which brought down the prestige of the biggest political
office of the country. And he made these observations at the Chief Justices’
conference, which was also attended by chief ministers. The diatribe against
the judiciary was uncalled for, and dangerous if allowed to be followed by
chief ministers.
The remark shows ignorance of
the kernel philosophy of a democratic country like ours where three wings - the
executive, the legislature and the judiciary -- have an equal role within our
Constitution, but still inevitably cannot help breathing down on each other's
neck. Statesmanship and sobriety require a mature response from all.
Unfortunately, Modi, a former Chief Minister, has not been able to find his
feet of working in the broad contours of India's Constitution and that alone
could be the excuse put forth by his apologists. Thankfully, the Chief Justice
of India issued a dignified response that "Indian judges remain as
fearless as they ever were".
In spite of the executive's
unhappiness, the judiciary right from the beginning has not shirked from its
path as explained by Chief Justice Patanjali Sastri (1951) thus: "We think
it right to point out, what is sometimes overlooked, that our Constitution
contains an express provision for a judicial review of legislation as to its
conformity with the Constitution. If then, the courts in this country face up
to such important and none too easy task, it is not out of any desire to tilt
at legislative authority in a crusader's spirit, but in discharge of a duty
plainly laid upon them by the Constitution".
The criticism of judicial
activism as such is, therefore, untenable. Courts have for long been
judicially active in giving relief in social action litigation to labour, to
victims of custodial violence, to victims of excesses committed by the
executive. But as previously judicial targets were comparatively junior
officials and certainly never involving politicians, the issue of judicial
activism was not raised by politicians. This charge of alleged
interference by courts has only now been made because the fire of judicial
activism is coming nearer home to the high officials and politicians who had
hypnotised themselves into believing that they were above the law.
The Prime Minister has, in
spite of strong T.V. and public criticism, chosen to keep silent about
five-star social activists from whom he alleges the judiciary is said to be
threatened. Let me then share a few facts. The Supreme Court has passed various
orders to uphold the human rights of people, especially of the deprived
sections, at the instance of the People's Union of Civil Liberties, a human
rights organisation set up in the dark period of the Emergency (1976) by
Jayaprakash Narain, the Socialist leader. The PUCL's constitution forbids
foreign donations. Its FUNDS
are raised locally. It challenged
and got some relief from draconian laws enacted in the name of fighting
terrorism like TADA, POTA and the Unlawful Activities Act both by the Congress
and B.J.P. governments.

It was at the instance of the
PUCL that the Supreme Court directed the candidates to disclose information
about their FINANCIAL
status and criminal cases
pending against them at the time of filing nominations for an election. Such
was the effrontery of all political parties, including the Congress, the B.J.P.
and even the Left, that they unanimously passed a law specifying that,
notwithstanding the Supreme Court verdict, the Election Commission would not
follow that judgment. The PUCL had to move the Supreme Court second time to
have this resolution of Parliament nullified and it is only then that the
present system came to be followed.

Again, it was at the instance
of the PUCL that the government was prohibited from telephone tapping at the
executive's pleasure and Parliament was forced to pass legislation.
The right to reject a
candidate at the time of an election, though recommended by the Election
Commission, was withheld by both the Congress and NDA governments for over a
decade till a directive was issued to the Central government on a writ petition
filed by the PUCL. Directions to the government to supply food to the starving
people of Orissa and poor people have been issued at the instance of the PUCL.
The bar on M.P.s and M.L.A.s
to continue as members of their respective legislature after their conviction
was the result of a petition by a citizens’ group. So was the exposure of
illegal allotments of Spectrum and coal blocks that were later set aside by the
Supreme Court.
It is not necessary for me to
go into details to recapitulate where, but for a judicial intervention, many of
the urgent public matters would have remained in limbo. Thus the Supreme
Court's declarations in gender harassment cases led to the framing of
legislation. Similarly but for the Supreme Court the independent status of the
Central Vigilance Commission would not have been established. Nor would police
reforms have been put on the anvil so as to hold the police accountable for
custodial illegalities, notwithstanding that police commissions recommending
police reforms in their reports submitted over decades back. This was all at
the instance of civic-conscious citizen groups.
I am willing to concede that
courts are now showing more activism than before. But this is a consequence of
misfeasance of politicians. It will be a pity if ever a climate was created
against the exercise of judicial activism because such an eventuality may lead
to the loss of faith in the law as an instrument of social change and justice —
an alternative course cannot be viewed in equanimity even by Modi loyalists
because people, if denied justice through courts, would inevitably be driven to
march through the streets.
Yes, I concede there have
been decisions made at the instance of five-star personnel — but they are not
at the instance of courts - they are the result of a direct link-up between the
Modi government and the big corporate sector. The decision not to appeal in the
Vodafone case resulted in the loss of Rs 8,000 crore to the government. The
Modi government pressured the State Bank of India to guarantee loans to the
extent Rs 6,000 crore to an industrial house close to the present political
power for utilising FUNDS
to extract coal from
Australian mines - ironical when our coal mines are remaining idle because the
government says it is short of funds.

No, Mr Prime Minister, this
cheap joke directed at the judiciary was totally uncalled for - more especially
when you ignored such a wide, ever-expanding mole in the Central Government's
own eye.
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